Powerbook G4/pro Tools/external Hard Drives, Newbie help |
Tue 31 Jan 2006, 00:22

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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It is of no interest on the file size (it'll be big files anyway). Now as to facilitate the navigation in the drive (faster seek) or to help for maintenance, to make 2 partitions could be an idea. This way you can keep samples and tracks separated for example, or copy back your files on the second partition before reformatting the first and copy files back. to ease the job of the drives heads is a good idea  If you want to do it, do it now as there's no files involved at the moment. now it's not mandatory, but I'd do it personally.
Tue 31 Jan 2006, 00:31

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I use reason for production, pro tools for recording, and I use samples. Any suggestions as far as possible partition configurations. Maybe 120gigs for recordings, 30gigs for samples, and 80gigs for production(instrumentals)? Would that be an advisable model? I've never used pro tools, so I'm not sure of the file sizes that it will generate( I realize it will vary by size of the project.)
Tue 31 Jan 2006, 01:13

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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From: Paris - FR
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I was thinking about DVDs. Think about backuping regularly, as any drive can commit suicide, and if you move it it is even more likely. Not to bother you, but it's a pain in the ass to recover things if it happens. I've never had a drive doing it to me, but it happens to members of MM so you've got to be covered. On the partitions, I was meaning that it's easier to swap files from one partition to another when partitions are of the same size. You can even use only one daily, and copy every evening the files on the other partition as backup strategy, it won't be 100% safe (as on the same drive) but save the drive blows, you only loose one day of work. Now, I don't want to tell you one solution is better than the other, I'm showing the possibilities. You may even end up with another set up you feel more adapted to your way to work.  Now, time you do your own thing
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