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> Logic Pro7 & K2000, MIDI problems
Jack McCann
post Fri 6 Jan 2006, 17:39
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From: Havelock QC - CA
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Newbie to the site here, but oldie to MIDI in System 8.6!!
RIG: G5 2.2 dual proc. 1.8GHz, OSX(10.3.5), DIGI 002R, LOGIC PRO7 (Academic), Garritan Orchestra, K2000S

PROBLEM: I have transferred K2000 tracks from songs compiled in System 8.6 over to my new system. They play, but there is a constant tendency to shorten notes that were once legato, (really legato, not pedalled). When I check the note lengths in the Matrix-Edit page, they have in fact been truncated, and I have to re-legato-ise them.

Also tracks that are played solo are often fine, but in combination with others, there seems to be some interference between the note-off signal from track "A" and the length of notes in track "B," causing that hiccup effect and of course lousy music. This never happened in my old system on the venerable, aged 9600. I can see that these two symptoms might be related, but what to do?

Can anyone please give me any advice on this subject?

Jack McCann
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post Mon 23 Jan 2006, 00:41
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Group: Members
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Joined: 22-Dec 03
From: Krimpen Aan De Lek - NL
Member No.: 31,622


It sounds like a loop in the midi-signal. Altough that doesn't explain the 'physical' shortening of notes in the editor.Maybe there's something happening in the environment that you don't know about... How did you transfer the songs? Did you import them into Logic or did you just load them? When importing, the autoload might do something with the song.
Also the track settings can influence the note-lengths.
At last: check your interface-settings. It's a long shot, but who knows...
I hope you can solve this. It seems really frustrating.

Good luck!
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