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> Single Protection Key, Merge Licensing
post Tue 27 Dec 2005, 06:20
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From: League City - US
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I currently use Cubase SX3 for my audio software recording. I am considering purchasing Antares Auto-Tune 4 (vst) pitch correction software. which requires an iLock proetction-key system usb before it will function. The question I have is, can the licenses for the two (or more) different softwares be merged onto one usb (iLock or Dongle) key? I am qucikly running-out of free usb slots for accessing the dfferent protection devices now required for activating and accessing music software. It would be much more managable to have all liceneses merged onto one key.

Thanks for any guidance!

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post Tue 27 Dec 2005, 12:22
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SOME can

others no

which means all soft using iLok (that's digi, GRMtools, antares, many more) can use the same iLok (there is a limit, but i think it's something like 100 or more licences on teh same key - seems ok)

others - Cubase and Logic come to mind only use their own dongles..

in your case (cubase + antares) it means 2 keys

__ah, speaking of digi, they have this dongle as well, they just call it "sound card"
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post Tue 27 Dec 2005, 22:27
Post #3


Group: Members
Posts: 48
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From: League City - US
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Hey! Thanks rat47! I kind of figured that was probably the case. I think I will be okay...that is, until another software that I purchase decides they need their own unique protection key. Hopefully, one of these days these companies can bring all their license agreements together under one roof. This would drastically simplify matters.

I appreciate your rapid response!

Happy New Years!!!

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