No Talk About Nuendo?, Did I miss something? |
Sat 20 Jul 2002, 16:03
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Hey guys,
I'm kinda' new to this forum. In fact, it's my first post.
I've been reading thru and notice that there is little talk about Nuendo. Why is this?
I love it. For now it's just me the G4 and a keyboard. Have little or no problem with latency and no complaints.
Am considering the 828. Will this be a problem? Will it be wisest to switch to Performer?
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
Sun 21 Jul 2002, 06:19
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Thanks for the replies. Damann, thanks for the smart azz fright. Don't send me into cardiac...I have music to make.
Seriously, though, should I look into Cubase/Other? I actually have it but I gave it the 3 crash test (My feeble compatibality test). It crashed my system 3 times and I moved onto Nuendo which worked smoothly from the beginning. I actually love it.
Just want to know if there's a world out there that I'm missing by not working throught the Cubase buggies.
Can't believe I'm actually feeling guilty for asking...just like a woman. I really should learn to be a man about these things.
Sun 21 Jul 2002, 07:48
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O.K. so I took a look at that SX thing. O.k. So it blew me away. But I'm going to stick by my Nuendo, At the end of the year when he's 2.0, he'll hold his own against SX.
Besides, isn't SX is from the other side of the tracks, you know...PCville?
Sun 21 Jul 2002, 20:53
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Good Point!
I now use Nuendo for putting tracks down. All midi. Audio for vocals.
When there's a need, I slice and dice audio in Recycle.
But yes, I'm looking for a complete solution.
I'm happy with my setup except where it comes to mastering.
I've got MegaZigaGigs of songs that I'd like to mater. I suspect that the problem is more so my skill level but if you personaly know of a software that makes the process more intuitive, let it know that I'm out to get it and that i'll probably even give it a bad name.
I came across Sonic Studio but don't have much info on it. Pyramix and others as well, but they're all PC apps.
Is this all overkill and should I just master the mastering skills, or will a software package really make a difference?
Thanks again Yukulele for helping me pin-point the problem.
Tue 23 Jul 2002, 05:57

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hi ioGirl, Yuklele. i'm biased, but logic audio or whatever apple are going to re-brand it as. ioGirl: you say you use nuendo for midi and vocals. on this basis, logic, cubase, and performer are a more logical choice of application. whenever i've used cubase it's crashed, that's why i use logic!  logic and dp have some GREAT mastering plugins. T-racks is also very good, if you're gentle with it! Yukelele is right, ultimately, your "master" will be as good as your "ears". at the end of the day, what works for YOU, works for you...
one for all and all for one...
Tue 23 Jul 2002, 16:20
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Thanks much guys
Now have T-Racks. Will cover all the nuances of it. May be back to pester you guys.
Will look into multi-band compression and dynamic eqs.
Now, about a good set of ears...where can I pick up a pair at a good price?
Thanks again
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