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> Upgrade Or Not, software sampler on a 9600
post Mon 15 Jul 2002, 17:22
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i'm hesitant to ditch my 9600, but i would like to add a software sampler to my setup. does anyone have experience with a halion or other such product on this machine? i could add a vst wrapper, since i use digital performer. i would also like to use my tdm environment. maybe i'm asking too much from the old 9600?
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post Mon 15 Jul 2002, 21:00
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Get a G4 upgrade card for it and you'll be fine. You could even add a ATA-100 card to it.

The 9600 though might have some issues. Check for info on how to upgrade it.

It's either on a beat or off a's that easy
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Francois Déchery
post Mon 15 Jul 2002, 21:26
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You have to get a G3 or G4 accelerator (NewerTech and XLR8 cards run peacefully with PT)

But don't dream too much... (i have this config):
The 9600 bus speed is slow (45 or 50MHZ) and this seriously limits the CPU power: don't excep to have the same power as a 'true' G3 or G4, but this really helps....

On the other hand, you could get SampleCell TDM wich IMHO do the jobs very well ones TDM connected---> true polyphony, no delay, true separated output, no CPU dependaent, and relatively cheap...

Another solution would be to by a second G3 or G4, put an inexpensive digital card and midi interface, and uses it as a dedicated sampler/synth...connetected to your main protools and synced via MIDI. The most rock solid/trouble free configuration, IMHO

Whatever, the 9600 is a MUST (stable) base for PT, i couldn't say the same for recent G4s ...with MacOS 9.22....


Soif, MacMusic Webmaster

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post Wed 17 Jul 2002, 01:47
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soifs' solutions are great.
i used a 9600 with samplecell for a few years.
but seriously, friends of mine who upgraded the 9600 instead of going g3/g4 have all done so now, sold th 9600, and never looked back! wink.gif
my opinion has to be:.
get a g4, be amazed by what's now available, a/b your digi converters with those of motu etc, and forget about having to upgrade all of your tdm plugs! tongue.gif
ultimately, as soif says, maybe you should do what i did initially and buy a 2nd rig based around a g3/4. like me though, i think you'll find the 9600 becomes redundant...

one for all and all for one...
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Francois Déchery
post Wed 17 Jul 2002, 13:12
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Damann is right too wink.gif

Buy a second G4, install toys in it, and you may change your mind, when experimenting what native technologies can bring to you.

BUT, keeping the 9600 to do what it always has been good for, may be a cheapest (an more reliable) solution than complety changing all your setup.

I'm convinced that converting old mac to do simple tasks, is a better solutions than selling it for a few $ and trying to have the new machine making all the tasks.
For example: when i've switched from PTIII nubus to the PCI one, i've kept my good old 7100 when buying the 9600, and i've converted the 7100 into a reliable, fast, never crashing, "multitask" CD burning/editing machine. that's now my "DAT" and when i've finished a project on the protools, i record it straith to the 7100 (with an old PT442 card) and use the 7100 to burn CDs for my clients, while doing other stuff on the 9600 at the same time (i can reboot, surf internet, crash if i want, etc...not disrupting the CD burning process).

That far most reliable than trying to burn in background with toast 5, for example...on a single machine

get the idea?

Soif, MacMusic Webmaster

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