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Long Newbie Post - Audiowerk 2 Card, old mac, old software, old soundcard |
Wed 23 Nov 2005, 10:47
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 23-Nov 05
From: Hollywwod - US
Member No.: 72,898
OK - aplologies in advance, I know this is all ancient history. Believe me, I wouldn't be asking this if I hadn't already searched every forum I could find for examples of my problem.
I'm using Logic 4 on a 1998 beige G3 running OS 9.2.2 with an extra 16 GB hard drive. I don't have the specs to hand but it's a limited but ok machine for digital recording (if it was still 1999) - I'm recording audio only, using only a few tracks and some eq /reverb.
Latency problems led me to buying an Audiowerk 2 soundcard on ebay, but it doesn't seem to work. The card comes bundled with MicroLogic AV and Wave Burner and Zap, branded as 'Production Kit'. I installed all the software as I thought a simpler version of Logic might suit my simple requirements.
So: I don't know if the card is just broken, or something else is wrong.
I put in the card and tried to start MicroLogic - got a "type 11 error". (hardware conflict?). Great. I don't have any other soundcards apart form the native stereo in /out. Opening MicroLogic without the card in the slot it says "No Audiowerk 2 found" or similar, so the machine is at least seeing the card.
In the system profiler , some of the card details are read, but not all. The drivers are in right place I think, but it doesn't come up in the Sound Control Panel.
I swapped it around the 3 ports, same result.
Any ideas? Or should I just chuck it in the bin and go back to ProTools Free?
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