Motu Fastlane Trouble, MIDI |
Fri 18 Nov 2005, 17:59

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 26-Apr 03
From: Westfield - US
Member No.: 16,816

Hi all. I am having issues with getting full midi playback and recording on DP 4.6 with my fastlane. The fastlane is connected to a keyboard controller (Novation ks4) then i have 2 other sound modules. I had this setup before working but now I am having trouble and it's driving me nuts. It seems like it sees everything, but the controller won't play the other synths..any thoughts? anyone who knows exactly how the ins and outs should go from the fastlane?? thanks in advance
Thu 24 Nov 2005, 19:21

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 25-Oct 04
From: Minneapolis - US
Member No.: 53,883

I was having problems with my fastlane some time back. Following the instructions below I received from support and installing the most current drivers from their site solved all of my issues. Do this click for click:
I would recommend following the directions below for uninstalling and reinstalling:
Goto Macintosh HD > System > Library > Extensions and trash the file, "MOTU MIDI DRIVER.kext."
Go into the Library > Audio > MIDI Drivers folder and drag the MOTU MIDI DRIVER.plugin to the trash. Empty the trash.
Reboot your machine, run a Repair Disk Permissions from your Apple Disk Utility, then reinstall our most recent drivers from our website being sure that unit is NOT turned on. Reboot and turn on your device.
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