Steinberh V-stack Alternative, Is there one? |
Mon 24 Oct 2005, 00:39

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 30-Dec 04
From: Pewaukee - US
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I have been playing my midi contoller with a powerbook, cubase and some vsts live but want to try and lower the PCU usage with something like V-stack. Are there any other options or is this the best way to go.
Mon 24 Oct 2005, 02:21

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 30-Dec 04
From: Pewaukee - US
Member No.: 57,541

thanks for the reply... I understand bouncing tracks and that stuff. The application setup I am looking for is a live stage set up where I use different Vsts like B4 and Minimoog with a midi controller, and I don't think I need a full sequencer to do that.
I'll check out wormhole
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