You Want One Day An E-mu 1616m In Your Mac?, You bet? |
Tue 27 Sep 2005, 00:16

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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You loose: Here's what's our member domb2002 received when he asked E-mu which once upon a time was a mac friendly company. QUOTE Dear Domb,
There are no plans for support for the 1616m and Mac I'm afraid.
Best Regards,
Clive Bermingham E-MU Technical Support We can only thank E-mu and Creative labs management for the answer (cough cough) and buy something else…
Tue 27 Sep 2005, 18:59

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I saw the E-mu card specs a while ago and wanted to buy an E-mu card for my new G5. I got the same sort of Email back from them. There was an 'add-on' however saying that if I was really interested in pursuing this I should mail the sales department and request that they should support Mac! So, as ever, I guess Mac musicians should mail E-mu and demand that they bring out Mac drivers for their cards. Given the price and the specs - I think I'd still buy one. Sigh! Cheers PT
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