Greener Than Grass!!, sending music files |
Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:55

Group: Members
Posts: 19
Joined: 13-Aug 02
From: Hansen Hills - US
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hey everybody i need your help.i want to send music files back and forth over the net. as we know these files can be large. how is this done ?
(1 - 3)
Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:34

Group: Members
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From: Geneva - CH
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Howdy! I am new (very) to this forum, and I would like to have a bit of feedback as to how I can send music files over the internet. As a musician, I would like to collaborate with other musicians in other parts of the world. (I live in Switzerland and my writing associates are in California) E-mail is out of the question as the files are far too large. And SKYPE wants you to wait 17 hours for a 30mb file!! Does anyone have any suggestions?? I need help! Quick, and thanks!
Fri 16 Sep 2005, 03:32

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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Well you can use FTP, as long as at least one computer run some FTP server (OS X can do that, use PureFTPd Manager, it's a bit geeky but it works, as long as everyone is a little network literate).
Else there are services on the net, the cheaper being an account on a free internet hosting with FTP for website and you use the space in FTP (using only clients) to share the file.
Also you can use bittorrents to distribute the file in P2P running the tracker yourself privately and your fellows connecting to it to download, if there are a few, it can even go faster.
If you use all iChat, you can use it to send files.
BTW I've merged both threads, as it's on the same subject
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