My G4/protools/m-audio Situation... |
Thu 15 Sep 2005, 19:24
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From: Orlando - US
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Id like to comment on the protools thing. Many people need to understand that these software programs are tools, nothng more, nothing less. What I learned a long time ago is that it's not always "This program or that program" but many times it turns out to be "This program for this and that program for that". For instance, I like Logic Pro 7 for its vast Midi capabilities and production tools. And even though I could mix in Logic and it would sound awsome, I still am more comfortable and feel more efficiant editing the audio and mixing the audio in protools. So i will trigger the midi and record all my outboard synths and things with my motu2408 into logic pro 7, and then bounce the audio over to protools where I use just an Mbox to get to the software, and Mix and Edit there. Basically I use Logic for midi and recording through a nicer sounding audio interface and protools just for mixing and bouncing. I dont confine myself to this or that
Wed 10 Dec 2008, 06:54
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Hi, sorry for disturbing, since I saw you've used the program, i was hoping if you could provide me the protools free installation files. I would be very gratefull. making comeback without money Ruff Selektah
Sat 13 Dec 2008, 23:54
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From: Maywood - US
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you are right on target rickenbacker , regarding pro tools. I've been blessed to have submitted music to some industry people, whom were surprised that the work I had done was done with Logic. of, course, it was them that assumed that it was, with pro tools you should also count the cost, for all of the plug-ins that you might want to incorporate, and a lot of them are great and lend to giving you a great sound, however,the cost could be go thru the roof. don't believe the hype, work with what you can afford, and let's you express your musical ideas in a fashion that the listener can appreciate, they, the listener don't know the difference, but they do know what sounds good to them, and, this can be achieved without pro-tools, trust me, come up with good compositions, and not to many people will care what you used to do it. :-)
Sun 14 Dec 2008, 19:09
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As Protrools Free is a discontinued product, it isn't forbidden to talk about it. It's still a freeware aplication that dudges cost. Cause it's FREE Is there any other competing software, with the same price.....i know the answer, it's no
For now, i think I found the app.(payd a web bux for the transfer:) midex, got it off ebay, 15 euro (midi interface) apple g3 (70 euros) Man....in a few days the system will be running loud
This post has been edited by cubeest: Sun 14 Dec 2008, 19:12
Mon 15 Dec 2008, 02:11
Group: Members
Posts: 20
Joined: 04-Dec 08
From: Maywood - US
Member No.: 105,177
Congratulations, and you are right, you can not top FREE, that's for sure.. not in this economy. Good luck, and have fun with it.
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