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> What Is Your Fav Drum Instrument?, isntrument, sampler etc.
post Sun 19 Dec 2004, 15:35
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just posting to see what people have been using lately while i still fall back on my esx24mkii for sampling, drums etc.

is it BFD?
Artists Drums?

please let me know, im realy curious to whats been getting hot results for tracking drums or over dubbs with live drummers, dance, electronica etc.


G4-450MP, 512MB, DVD-CDR, 75 GIG int.+ 120 GIG int, PCi excelorator to 4 120 GIG internal, 2x15" Cinema displays with a Dr.botts adaptor, Radeon Mac edition Video card, LaCie Firewire pocket CDRW 12-10-16 drive, Cannnin BJ portable printer, Cannon 1220 Scanner,

Korg Pandora 3
Yamaha MSP5's
Ibenez Gilbert 757 Guitar

Logic 6 + esx24mkii,
Ni-FM7, NI-Absynth, NI-Pro 53
+ some more apps..
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post Sun 19 Dec 2004, 19:16
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iDrum is great if you want a drum machine style plug-in. Simple to use and fun! The swing is chunky and perfect for "electronic music" ie Hip Hop, House, Drum & Bass, Breaks etc... Great price too!!!

Goldbaby Productions

Vintage drum machines will one day rule the earth...
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Dave Bourke
post Mon 20 Dec 2004, 19:16
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Yep, what Huggie said :-)

I'm a huge fan of iDrum, too, and I've written a number of posts about it on this forum. It's a blast to play with, easy to use, you can build your own kits in minutes, and you can't go wrong for the price.

Kind regards.

Dave Bourke
- ideation -
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post Tue 21 Dec 2004, 02:17
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I 3rd the recommendation for iDrum. Its incredibly fast, has some fun tweaks that can be done to sounds; including bit reduction. It isn't very processor intensive or bloated like Battery (IMO). It has great sketch pad ability with its midi export function, plus it promises multi-instrument output ability (haven't tried this yet). For me, it offers the speed and utility of ReDrum without Reason clogging up your pipes. smile.gif

My only hope is that we get the ability to resize the iDrum window to include more steps over time or more tracks in view.

This post has been edited by syncr: Tue 21 Dec 2004, 02:19
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post Sat 9 Jul 2005, 10:39
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As a Swede I must promote the MicroTonic drummachine from SonicCharge. A great VST-plugin created by the man behind the famous Malström synth in Reason. If you're in to electronic music, it sure is a must-have drummachine! smile.gif

Currently only available as a VST-plugin but an AU-plugin is being developed as I write this post. So, unless you're using Fxpansion's VST to AU-wrapper, stay tuned for the AU-release in a not to distant future.

This post has been edited by celsius: Sat 9 Jul 2005, 10:41

iMac G5 2.0GHz, 1,5Gb RAM, Logic Pro 7.2, NI Battery 2, Vanguard, Minimonsta
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post Sat 9 Jul 2005, 12:54
Post #6

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Stylus RMX. She is really powerful and it was surpassed to itself. Ultrabeat also is brilliant. I combine them with Symptohm. The mixture is demolishing
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post Sun 10 Jul 2005, 19:41
Post #7

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Ultrabeat + EXS24MkII
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post Sun 10 Jul 2005, 23:36
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I find its simplicity inspiring.

I usually track a guitar and bass backing track, perhaps to a click and perhaps to drum loops.

Then I sequence drums in ReDrum (into Logic via Rewire), then export the kick, snare, hihat, and whole kit as individual files into Logic (for adding FX, panning, etc), then track additional instruments, and possibly redo guitars and bass if necessary.

ReDrum is simple and, unlike iDrum, works easily in non-4/4 time signatures.

No, it doesnt offer 1000000 velocity layers like BFD or Battery, but for me, the ease of ReDrum more than makes up for its lack of velocity switching. I can make realistic rock/pop drums with ease.
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Chris C.L
post Mon 11 Jul 2005, 12:51
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Micritonic for main, but if I need a specific drum sound I use Kontact.
Also play arond with some latinprecussion bongo's, djembe+ other clangy things, but never incorporate them into songs as my timing is a bit too out.
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post Mon 11 Jul 2005, 13:16
Post #10


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i like making drums .... i use a combination of Battery2, Ultrabeat, Kontakt, and a hefty amount of resampling in logic and renoise. They've all got they're own strengths and make up for each others shortcomings - next thing i want is for emu to get the emulatorX onto the mac so i can do even more stuff with drums the way i used to on my e6400ultra.....
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