URGENT: HELP MACMUSIC TO SURVIVE!, You like MacMusic, and want it to survive... |
Thu 29 Nov 2001, 17:54


Group: Admin
Posts: 3,204
Joined: 29-Oct 00
From: Sommieres - FR
Member No.: 11

(voir ce message en francais)We have a really big problem now with the hosting company that we pay to host the macmusic web site. The current 'problem' is that we now have 'too much' vistors (over 150 000 hits/day) for the account we paid, and that we need to move to a dedicated server. The growth as been faster than expected... The hosting company is not helpfull at all, and its way to convince us to move to a more expensive server is to cut any scripts (programs running macmusic services like forums, ads, links...) that they consider to use 'to much CPU load'... As they dont provide us any tools, we cant estimated the load, and make the needed corrections to the scripts. This nerves war is happening since 6 month, and the next time they will just suspend the whole macmusic web site, as they allready done before, but this time they wont re-open it, whatever we do. So the only solution now, is to rent a dedicated (really more expensive) server. As you may allready know, if you have read the 'about' section of the site, we are a non profit organisation, and havent any money resources. In order to pay the server, we are going to sells advertisement on the site (banners) and this should cover the site's costs, in a few month. To do that, we need to launch a company, in order to produce legal invoices to our client, have a bank account, etc.... As we are located in France this process TAKES TIME. We had planned to have the company ready for January and to move to the new server in February, but with the recent situation with the hosting company, we NEED to move, as soon as possible, to a dedicated server that will carry the load, and the advertisement script that as now been removed by our host company. (It's pretty hard to sell advertisement when the script carying it, cant be launched...) The cost for the dedicated server is about $250/month and $300 of setup fees. It's here where YOU CAN HELP US: Please make a donation to the site to help it to smoothly 'upgrade' to a sponsored business.We are really confident to find sponsors, as some allready contacted us. But this will take some time before all is ready to go. If you like MacMusic and want to support it, we invite you to post the amount of money you could donate to the site, in this thread (post the amount and currency only) http://www.macmusic.org/forums/topic.cgi?f...orum=5&topic=20If you want to comments or ask questions, post in this CURRENT discussion thread (press REPLY). Every little donation helps! Thanks for your support. The never-ending working on MacMusic Webmaster...
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