Powerbook Best Config For Live, i wanna play the IVOIRY "piano plugin" |
Thu 12 May 2005, 21:07

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: 27-Dec 04
From: LIMAY - FR
Member No.: 57,356

Hi all,
I will make a Tour in France in june / july, and I'd like use the Ivoiry Synthogy on stage. What is the best config I need to have ?
Is the following a good idea ? : Power book 15" processor 1,5 or 1,67 ? with 1,5 Gig RAM HD firewire, for the Ivoiry install folder RME fireface
What is the best linkink of the sound card and of the Hard disk ? The both on the same FW800 port ( in "chain mode ") or one on the FW400 and one on the FW800? And which one ?
I have already a Maxtor Firewire 250 Go /16 Mo cache with 150 Go free Can I use it for Ivoiry, or need I use one HD only for the ivoiry ? If I create a partition on my Maxtor, is it as good as have a dedicated HD ?
Thank you very much guys for reading me, and your answers ! BYE
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