Audio Input To Midi? |
Tue 17 May 2005, 10:52
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 17-May 05
From: - NZ
Member No.: 65,803
I have an ETC express 24/48 lighting board, which i am trying to get to use its effects cues in sync with the music. I can control the lighting board via a midi interface, what i need to be able to do though is to detect the beats in an audio signal being thrown at the laptop, and then send data out on the midi interface. QUOTE MIDI
ETC MIDI The console both transmits and receives MIDI messages with any MIDI instrument. The MIDI protocol can control cues, macros, submaster bump switches and the level wheel. ETC assumes that MIDI users have a working knowledge of MIDI. This section provides ETC MIDI interface information, message formats and message definitions. See Installing MIDI, page 325 for installation information. Does anyone know of an OS X plugin or application which may be of help? Have searched but to no avail. Tried PolyFractus but could not get that to work in OS X.
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