Midi Into Behringer V-ampire, Vamp |
Wed 9 Mar 2005, 07:02

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Posts: 4
Joined: 12-Mar 04
From: Helensvale - AU
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Not really a question, but since I spent hours googling and couldnt find a reference to getting sysex midi into a Behringer V-apire lx 112 digital guitar amp, heres the info for any of you mac musos who found this post. Yes you can get the patches from the Vamp tone library (http://www.behringer.com/05_support/tonelibrary.cfm?lang=ENG) into you Vamp or vampire guitar amp. Even tho Behringer dont make a patch library for mac, you can do it with Sysex Librarian 1.0.4 http://www.snoize.com/SysExLibrarian/I have a g4 500 with a M-Audio midiman 1x1, hooked up to a Vampire LX112 guitar amp. Make sure apples core midi driver can see the USB to midi interface. Then connect 2 (not one) midi cables in/out, and set the vamp to edit>midi. You might need to set the amps midi channel to 1. Use Sysex to 'play' the patch, and then exit edit on the amp and save (see the amp manual). I hope this makes you happy and saves you the 6 hrs that it took me. Im also gonna tell Behringer to make mention that mac can be used with Vamp. Intelligent fellows said 'we have no intention of providing a mac patch library' but didnt tell me there was already a free one out there.
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