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> Need Enviroment Software For Hardware Synths
Karl Scott
post Sat 15 Jan 2005, 10:52
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From: London - UK
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hello al im using logic 7 and i need some enviroment software for these synths as im sick and tired of not having my patch names on screen, my rack is some distance away from me so any info would be greatly appreiciated.
My synths are as follows, Roland JV 2080, Emu Proteus 2000, Emu dance orbit V2.
i hope someone can help me out as this is getting on my nerves, cheers, Karl.....
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post Sat 15 Jan 2005, 12:17
Post #2


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From: Groningen - NL
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Did you look at SoundDiver yet? I don't know how to get the latest version, because Emagic was swallowed by Apple and Apple doesn't list SoundDiver yet. Anyways, there is a timelimited OSX beta on the old Emagic support pages:

And this guy has all kinds of environments for downloading:

He does have some of the environments you might be looking for:

Good luck,

Hens Zimmerman
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Karl Scott
post Sat 15 Jan 2005, 15:53
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From: London - UK
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cheers and for your help but a friend advised to look at that site already but when i try to download it wont decompress the zip file so im thinking where they made for PC, let know your thoughts please or do uyou no of any other sites like that, i would be greatly thankful, cheers, Karl.........
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post Wed 9 Feb 2005, 22:11
Post #4


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From: Ribeirao Preto - BR
Member No.: 47,890

I've been looking for the a Roland JV880 and SC880 enviroment for logic and .midnam for protools over the net for AGES guys and I could find nothing. I could download and open the files from the guy: but he has few synths concerning the huge list of synths , The main problem is that both synths and sotware manufacturers HAVE NEGLETED about it or will we have to abandon our hardware synths? I have tried roland for .midnam files at but there's few or nothing and concerning logic's enviromente the situations is worse . So they came every six months with a new upgrade full of bells and Whistles and forget about synths and to make thing enven WORSE apple has not implement MIDI SETUP it is POOR and SHAME > i don't know about the PCs but sometimes I wonder why I didn't buy a PC. That's all folks . IT's time to SAY NO FOR ALL OF THIS INDIFFERENCE.
Cheers. angry.gif
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