Can Not See Master Fader |
Thu 6 Jan 2005, 12:06

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: 20-Nov 03
From: Kilkenny - IE
Member No.: 29,286

Hi wondering if anybody can help. I use logic gold six on a G5. Everything is working fine except that I can not see the master fader. When I'm on the track mixer window and I just click on the the outputs at the left hand side there is nothing there. I have it turned on the view menu and still nothing. Basically I can not bounce the track to do a final mix- any ideas?
Fri 7 Jan 2005, 14:46

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: 20-Nov 03
From: Kilkenny - IE
Member No.: 29,286

That was the first thing I tried and still nothing, it seems really strange. It is probably something really simple any other suggestions?
Thanks again
Fri 7 Jan 2005, 21:01

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From: Capelle A/d Ijssel - NL
Member No.: 24,830

Hi! Everybody...
I have Logic 6, and I click Global in the Mixer window, as sugested.. and...ta-ram.. is there as the last fader.. "output"... ..and in the enviroment Window is always..there.. as last fader.. ... funny..
good luck!
Powerbook 17" G4 1,5 Ghz and LOGIC
Sat 8 Jan 2005, 08:04

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From: Manchester - UK
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Hello Dustan
I think that this is a better solution;
Firstly, you should be aware that the track mixer functions best (IMO) when it displays only the audio objects which are relevant to your current tune i.e. only the tracks in the arrange window, plus the buses and master outputs you are using. - using the Global view will show many objects (mixer 'channels') that you don't need, meaning that you waste time scrolling around the mixer.
Here is the way i do it
Go to the audio environment page (select environment, then select audio from the list on the left)
Scroll to the right until you find the 'Output 1-2' object. This is your 'master fader'.
Select it by clicking on the small white 'plug' at the top right of the object.
Look at the left of your screen, in the box describing the selected object, there is a check box next to the word 'icon' - click in this box to select 'icon'. In doing this, you have enabled a master output object to appear in your arrange page.
Leave the environment window and return to the arrange page.
Create a new track (select any track and press CTRL + RTN).
Click and hold on the name of this new track until you are given a menu.
From this menu, select the sub-menu 'Audio Output'.
Select 'Master Output 1-2'.
The track mixer will now display your 'master fader'.
The same technique works for enabling your buses ('effects returns').
Hope this makes sense.
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