Converting Audiodesk 96khz To Cdd |
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 21:46
Group: Members
Posts: 30
Joined: 21-Mar 05
From: San Francisco - US
Member No.: 62,759
I bounced my 96khz/24 recordings into 16bites to soundbite window and then exported them as a Aiff. When put on a cd the recordings play slow. Can't seem to find the answer in my manuals thanks seth
This post has been edited by hotlunch: Sun 12 Jun 2005, 21:47
Mac Book Pro Intel 2 duo, 2.16 2gb ram, Cubase 4, Reason 3.5, Peak, motu 828mkII, OctoPre Le, some mics and Ideas, and your helpful tips.
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