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> OMS problems-any ideas?
post Sun 16 Jun 2002, 21:30
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Hello, this is my first time on this site...
I use a G3 (OS 9.2 )and have a Midisport 2x2 with an external keyboard.
Recently had computer reformatted and ever since I have not been able to use the keyboard. Midi sounds can only be generated via the on-screen keyboard and I keep getting alert messages each time I start Cubase e.g. 'OMS drivers could not be loaded'. I have reinstalled OMS and revised the Midi and OMS set-ups but no dice..I get no Midi inputs on screen from the keyboard. Could it be my extensions set-up?If so, what are correct ones to be enabled/disabled in this kind of set-up? I've tried all sorts, but the truth is I just don't know enough about how it all works. Can anyone enlighten me? Or know anyone/thing that can?!
Thanks, Elly.

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post Mon 17 Jun 2002, 01:15
Post #2

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9.2, OMS. Midiman 2x2

a few things I've seen in an other thread in the french part but with DP instead of cubase and communication pb, not 'not be loaded'…

Disable most of your extensions (leave Quicktime, the ones for OMS and Midiman) and try again…


check your versions of Cubase, midiman stuff and update of 9.2 in case.

But it's certainly OMS related.

(OMS is dead, really, now)

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post Fri 21 Jun 2002, 17:42
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just curious as to what is meant by '(OMS is dead, really, now)'? its still an essential part of midi for most apps on the mac and no they are not making new versions but the same people who worked for Opcode were hired to implement midi into OSX so don't really see how its dead other than no new updates for pre-OSX systems.

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G4 550mhz Tibook & Brand Spankin New Dual G5 2Ghz Power Mac with Tiger.
So long old OS9 apps :(
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post Sat 22 Jun 2002, 02:46
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oms hasn't been updated since os8.6 days or thereabouts. angry.gif
obviously, loads of hierarchical changes in the os since then. wink.gif
it could be considered lazy programming to rely on oms, the app has to communicate with the os via oms and vice versa, rather like you and i using an interpreter when we both speak the same language!
implementing this kind of code into the os as in the case of 'x' makes this an entirely different ballgame. cool.gif
doug (oms author) was/is obviously a very talented programmer, but i feel would probably agree that although vastly improving on apple's midi manager then, was never the ultimate solution. wink.gif
what he and the 'next' guys are doing now is writing a replacement for midi manager, ie a midi solution that's part of the os! angry.gif

'opinions are like arses, everybody's got one'
peace, later...

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post Sat 22 Jun 2002, 06:17
Post #5

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As seen in an other related thread… (midiman/OMS…) reinstall the software, beginning with the midiman stuff…

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post Sun 22 Sep 2002, 22:51
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OMS is'n't dead it now lives under different name iside Mac OSX. Admittedly it has been modified and probably improved a lot, we wont really know that until everything in the Audio world is OSX native.
But OMS for all that is has been at V 2.38 for years ever since Opcode got killed. it is still one of the most reliable Midi drivers for the Mac and almost every music app on the Mac supports it in one way or another. angry.gif
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post Mon 23 Sep 2002, 03:40
Post #7

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OMS IS dead. (just like OS 9 wink.gif))

The code belongs to Opcode still, Gibson stopped the developpement after buying Opcode. And that's all. finito. end of line.

It works if you're patient, but it's not upgraded anymore FOR 3 YEARS (is that enough ? wink.gif

The fact that it's the main recognised midi support for mac doesn't tell that it's the best (rant rant rant)

the fact is that the guy behind OMS works still, and well thank you, and at Apple. But there's not a line of OMS (fortunately) into OS X, he had better ideas, lucky guy smile.gif

And if you want to know some are already using midi under OSX smile.gif (but it's not the place to talk about it, here it's OS 9)

My late in sunday night rant (should go to bed)

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post Tue 26 Oct 2004, 12:18
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i am completely new to Macs
but many years in unix and win
i would like to get an ibook g4 to run Galaxy Plus

will OPcode galaxy plus editor work under
MAC OS 10.3 ? as it is or do i need to
run patches and tricks ?

will the new midi kernel be able to translate properly
all the OMS calls ?

am i better off installing os 9,2 ?

tnx in advance
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post Mon 1 Nov 2004, 17:00
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Galaxy Plus will not run under OSX.3. It will only run in OS9.

As for some of the other stuff in this thread, I've used OMS with Vision,Studio Vision, DP3,Cubase 5,Nuendo and Logic Platinum over the years and never had the "problems" some of you seem to be imagining.

for 99% of users ,OMS runs very well and does exactly what it is supposed to. The fact it hasnt been updated in 5 years is completely irrelevant to this. User error , or not properly running the setup mode cause most of the problems.

To the person who started this thread... did you follow the instructions in the Cubase manual? Do you HAVE a manual? If not, tough. If you use [k] apps with no manuals,you get problems like this.
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post Mon 1 Nov 2004, 19:30
Post #10

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If you follow the directions of OMS there will be no problems...
Install OMS
Install driver for midisport (the correct one)
connect usb cables and midi cables
set up OMS

If this fails you may have a bad mid cable.

AFTER all of this install sequencing program.

If you do not have the PDF instructions to OMS, ask and ye shall recieve.

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