The Logic 7 Shaft. |
Sat 2 Oct 2004, 20:26

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I purchased Logic 6 platinum five weeks ago. You would think that if an upgrade came out within several weeks of the original purchase date, a free or heavily discounted update would be available. Think again. All must pay the upgrade no questions asked. I am pretty sure this is an Apple influence. Nonetheless, I hate you apple and logic. I barely make any money and spent my last dime to buy your brand new program. Why should it cost me $1300 to get the current software. Well anyway...Steve Jobs, I hope the ferrari you buy with all the money you ripped off from us poor recent logic 6 purchasers gets demolished by an apple truck.
Sat 2 Oct 2004, 23:27

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As far as I can tell, after visiting Apples site, I assume you are talking about Canadian price. http://www.apple.com/ca/logic/In that link, there is an upgrade price of $379. So yes, there is a heavily discounted version, and no, Apple isn't the only company that I know of that will release a new version of a program without warning. However, keep in mind that upgrading is optional. I work in the 3D graphics industry working with Alias Maya. They are at version 6 right now and I am using version 4.5 because it still gets the job done.
Sun 3 Oct 2004, 03:39

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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Next update (that is this one) was supposed to be free… It upsets a lot the ones who have just upgraded to 6. Sometimes a little gesture is good for consumers, reduce the price for the buyers of the 6 verison the last 3 months and no body will complain. It's not mandatory, it's just commercial! Buyers do have feelings, Apple is a regular upster in this field however great or not are the products.
Sun 3 Oct 2004, 19:24


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Please mail Formal Complaints to:
Apple Computer, Inc. Attn: Customer Care 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014
Customers who purchased LP6 within 30 days or so should mail a Formal Complaint to the address above. If we send enough letters, maybe they'll reconsider.
G5, Dual 2.0GHz, 2GHz RAM, 250G HD G4 PowerBook, 400MHz, 640MB RAM, 10G HD P4, 2.0GHz, 512MB RAM, 40G HD
DP4, Cubase SX2, Live 3, Reason 2.5 Peak, Cool Edit Pro, Recycle
Mon 4 Oct 2004, 21:28


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QUOTE (Barb @ Oct 4 2004, 15:32) Contact Apple directly. They'll upgrade you. Have you recently called? I called/emailed over the weekend, maybe I need to try again... Fields
G5, Dual 2.0GHz, 2GHz RAM, 250G HD G4 PowerBook, 400MHz, 640MB RAM, 10G HD P4, 2.0GHz, 512MB RAM, 40G HD
DP4, Cubase SX2, Live 3, Reason 2.5 Peak, Cool Edit Pro, Recycle
Wed 6 Oct 2004, 08:11


Group: Members
Posts: 47
Joined: 04-Jan 04
Member No.: 32,398

What's going on with the French Logic 6>7 Petition?
Is someone working on translating it?
Anyone know of a US Petition?
G5, Dual 2.0GHz, 2GHz RAM, 250G HD G4 PowerBook, 400MHz, 640MB RAM, 10G HD P4, 2.0GHz, 512MB RAM, 40G HD
DP4, Cubase SX2, Live 3, Reason 2.5 Peak, Cool Edit Pro, Recycle
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