DP3 and Midiman 2x2 ain't happenin'-can't hear, oms / free midi problems |
Mon 20 May 2002, 05:56

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Joined: 20-May 02
From: Nashville
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I've seen a couple similar concerns around here, but I can't seem to get this thing going.
Yamaha S80 goes into Midiman 2x2 USB into G4/400 with OS9. Sequencer is Digital Performer 3 through a MOTU 1224.
All hardware looks like it's working fine. LED's flashing all over the place whenever data is moving. Some setting somewhere is wrong. I'm using OMS in conjunction with Free Midi. It apparently recognizes everything OK, but in the OMS studio, it mentions an IAC driver. I don't know what that is. Then, when I open DP, it lists IAC driver throughout the OUTPUT areas of every track.
I need some configuration help in a big way. Somebody please gimme the step by step, start from scratch thing so I can get my midi audible.
Thanks in advance, bill
Tue 21 May 2002, 23:57

Group: Members
Posts: 74
Joined: 08-Nov 01
From: Kirkland
Member No.: 2,293

It looks like you haven't finished configuring OMS. Did OMS dtect all of your midi gear when you used the auto-detect? IAC is inter-application communication. It allows communication between sequencers and soft-synths, simular to Propellorheadz ReWire. If OMS doesn't detect your gear, go to add device. You will then see a dialog that will allow you to choose a manufacturer, and model of your devices. If you have a device that is not listed, choose a recent model from the same manufcturer.(you'll be able to import patch names later) When properly configured you will see your devices and patch names in DP3.
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