Wed 24 Apr 2002, 11:05

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 24-Apr 02
From: Göteborg
Member No.: 4,381

Running a Powerbook G4 550 1Gb RAM, OS 9.2, with VX Pocket v2 Soundcard and Logic 5.0 ( earlier 4.7) - I experience a limitation in the possibility of running the softsynth (like EXS24, EVP88). When playing more than 5 , not very complexed playing - no fx , the ASIO overload message hits me a little bit too fast I think. I've shut off several extensions to optimize apple system. Any suggestions? Thanks/ Stef
Wed 24 Apr 2002, 22:31

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 24-Apr 02
From: Fürstenfeldbruck
Member No.: 4,391

I have nearly the same setup (just 512MB RAM) but the same limitations, songs wich work good with MacAV don`t work with ASIO and VXPocket (Driver 2.7.4) I´ll watch your topic greetings Peter
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