Ibook Writeoff?, can I plug into any old monitor? |
Fri 23 Jul 2004, 13:06

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From: Paris - FR
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Apple have had a problem with the graphics board in iBooks dying. Yours might be suffering from the problem. Go to the Apple site and on the opening page at the bottom is a link to some information about this. If yours is affected, Apple will fix it for you.
Fri 23 Jul 2004, 22:44

Group: Members
Posts: 10
Joined: 13-Jul 02
From: Paris - FR
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QUOTE (Jaysee @ Jul 23 2004, 20:33) Thanks Evesapple that's very interesting. My only worry is that if the mac tech engineers diagnose the fault as being unrelated to the stated 'component failure', but due to some other problem, would they consult me before going ahead with what I'd imagine is a very expensiove LCD display replacement? ibooks have easily halved in price since I bought mine in 2001 (I think I payed around £1.500.00! I dont want to get a repair bill for as much as I'd pay for a new ibook. I do qualify as my ibook's serial number falls within the group which may have failed due to this mysterious 'component' giving out. So its definately worth exploring. thanks again, John. If your serial number is in the range then chances are your logic board has failed. I'd say 90% chance it's the logic board failure and you'll get a free replacement. It's unlikely your Lucozade caused the problem. I've seen a few people come into the local Mac store with this problem already, all asking to buy a screen. The techs have checked it each time and found it was a logic board failure. You can tell them not to repair it if it isn't the board. Good luck.
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