Live Recording, How to record from soundboard to ... |
Fri 11 Jun 2004, 10:00

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From: Nanterre - FR
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Hi all,
I did a search but couldnt find any appropriate answer to my question.
I'm going on tour and I'd like to record from soundboard directly to my PB G4, what do I need as connectors and as software.
I use PEAK 3.2 and input from RCA jack to my Powerbook input until now but sometimes the sound enginners dont have any RCA/ CINCH output from the soundboard. thats why I'm looking for another example here.
thanks for your answers, Dimitri.
Sun 13 Jun 2004, 10:42

Group: Members
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From: Nanterre - FR
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Hi Mates, Thanks for your replies. I'll check the MOTU and I think this is exactly what I need, but a little expensive for me at the moment. Is there any "light" model ? And of course I use high quality cables and connectors to work with my PB. Thanks very much for theses infos, very appreciated, Dimitri. www.stevecolemanarchives.ht.st
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 23:36

Group: Members
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From: Nanterre - FR
Member No.: 44,829

Hi, It is a bit late to do any investment at the moment cause I'm going on tour tomorrow. But anyway my budget is atound 100€  wich is not enough I suppose from what I read here and there. Thanks for your help, see you on tour, www.stevecolemanarchives.ht.st Dimitri.
Sun 20 Jun 2004, 19:24


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From: Gulfport - US
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I'm a fan of the MBOX! Portable, no need for a powercord, LOTS of ins and outs INCLUDING DIGITAL S/PDIF! TWO Focusrite pre-amps, too! And the bundled software is great. (PTLE, Live 2 for Digidesign, Reason Adapted, Sampletank LE, T-Racks LE, Amplitube LE) You can use MBox with ProTools LE to create stereo recordings from the board. Digidesign even has a classy carry all bag for the MBox. It is USB, but I haven't had any real problems with latency. Check it out here: http://www.digidesign.com/mbox/I use it myself on the road, and have caught a buch of shows in stereo from the board. Then I went home and cleaned up the audio, ran some compression and EQ and reverb over the tracks and came out with an awesome live show on CD. MBox runs about $450 vs the $1000 plus of the MOTU 828 Of course, Digital Performer is a pretty cool DAW. But ProTools is an industry standard and pretty easy to learn. When you're ready to move on, then maybe a FireWire interface ad something like DP or Logic is next. But I'd start with MBox. Good luck! lushbudget
lushbudget productions, ltd. www.lushbudget.com PowerMac G5 dual 2 Ghz, 2Gb RAM, 160Gb & 200Gb HD's, Apple 20" Cinema Display PowerBook G4 Titanium 867Mhz, 1Gb RAM Digidesign Mbox - Lacie FW 4/800/USB2 160Gb External HD ProTools LE 6.4, Logic Express 7.0.1, Reason 2.5, Live 3, SampleTank 2, Amplitube, Arturia MiniMoog & CS-80V, Waves Musicians Bundle 4.0. [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue][B]
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