motu for iBook and PC? (sorry), trying to decide on a multitrack solution |
Mon 15 Apr 2002, 08:43

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I just acquired an iBook, (500, 256mb, etc) and I'm now trying to decide on a solution of what to buy for audio recording. I already have a quite capable PC (sorry) which I use as a home studio machine, and I've been contemplating getting an Echo Layla for quite a while to use with it. Obviously, the layla will not interface with the iBook. Does anyone know if the Motu 828 is as good with a windows PC as it is with a mac? If it is decent, I will probably get the Motu instead and use it with both computers... Also, will the iBook I have be enough for recording 5 or 6 tracks simultaneously? I hope to use the iBook for mostly live recording, as my band plays a lot of shows and it would be fun to release a live cd, or be able to go over to a friends house and record several tracks with just the iBook, motu, and a few mics. Anybody have a similar setup?
Thanks, a recent convert
Mon 15 Apr 2002, 20:43

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From: Kirkland
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Firewire on PC is a minefield, the DV and Audio user groups are full of unhappy users, that can't see their hardware. With MOTU they have a FAQ about 1394 interfaces they have tested, and what chip sets work. PCs with intergrated 1394 seem to work better. MOTU only supports Win2000, the last time I checked. So tread lightly. Also check out the PC, and hardware forums at Harmony central.com Several long threads on MOTU firewire hardware, interesting reading.
Mon 15 Apr 2002, 21:48

Group: Members
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Member No.: 4,270

thanks! looks like i have some reading to do, even though you summed it up quite well. another question: do you think a USB input device be an alternative that might work on both? i know firewire definitely has the speed advantage but the ability to cross platforms is of more concern to me.
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