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> Native Instruments Komplete 2 Bundle, Fantastic price! Get it now!
post Sat 22 May 2004, 01:18
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From: Del Mar - US
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Everyone. Native Instruments is offering their complete line of ELEVEN (11) instruments in a special pre-launch offer - 2 CDs and a great 400 page manual on all instruments. If you have one NI instrument, the price on the Native Instrument website is $579 plus shipping. HOWEVER, Same Day Music is offering the bundle for $500 with FREE 2-day shipping. I just got mine, registration was a snap, and wow! fabulous programs!! If you have 1 or more NI instruments, this is a dream deal, so go for it. Good until May 31. Go to:

This post has been edited by terrywil: Sat 22 May 2004, 01:22

"...I just don't sounds funny."
Mac G5, dual 2.0 GHz, MOTU 828 MkII interface, Virus TI Keyboard, Genelec 1029A and Mackie HR824 monitors, Mackie Control Universal, Presonus Eureka and ART DPS II preamps, Presonus Central Station, AKG C1000S and C3000 mics. Logic Pro 7.2, Trilogy, Stylus, Atmosphere, Native Instruments Komplete 2.
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post Sat 22 May 2004, 06:27
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I wonder, if you buy 1 instrument now, then can you immediately turn around and buy complete for $500?

iMac G4 1.25ghz 512, iBook G3 600mhz 384, Logic Pro 6, Live 3, Edirol PCR-50.
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post Sat 22 May 2004, 06:52
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Hi dten

I'm sure it would work. The deal is that to register the new bundle you have to be a registered owner of 1 NI program. If I had not already had a couple NI programs, I would do exactly what you're thinking. I'd buy the cheapest qualifying instruments and also get the bundle before May 31.

This post has been edited by terrywil: Sat 22 May 2004, 07:01

"...I just don't sounds funny."
Mac G5, dual 2.0 GHz, MOTU 828 MkII interface, Virus TI Keyboard, Genelec 1029A and Mackie HR824 monitors, Mackie Control Universal, Presonus Eureka and ART DPS II preamps, Presonus Central Station, AKG C1000S and C3000 mics. Logic Pro 7.2, Trilogy, Stylus, Atmosphere, Native Instruments Komplete 2.
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post Wed 26 May 2004, 01:24
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I agree, its a fantastic bargain. I didnt own a NI program, though I've admired their synths on the strength of magazine- cover demo CDs. So I bought battery; the cheapest product of the eleven as my obligatory full price item, Its sitting on my desk as I write this, reminding me that the deadline for registering it is May 31st!! Turnkey sold me the whole komplete2 shebang while I was at it over a fortnight ago, in plenty of time to register at my leisure. There was a crazy mixup of cross purposes and too many anonymous telehone sales staff confusing the issue. I almost hasd to plead on the phone every other day, begging them to to post me the 'Battery' at least; so I can register.
I've spent most of today trying to understand the authorisation code rules (too many late nights wreaking havoc on my powers of concentration!) My only worry is that I'll have to install and register battery before the deadline online using my groaning imac 400Mhz which I doubt will be up to running any of the NI software. I'm planning on getting a G5 fairly soon and want to save the Komplete2 stuff until it appears.
I bought the amazing Garritan PO a few weeks ago, which is also waiting patiently for my G5 to appear!
I wonder if any Native Instruments fans out there could tell me if I could run into conflicts between the bundled kompact sample player needed to play the Orchestra and the various flavours of full NI Komplete version of Kontact, Intact etc etc. I wonder if its possible to liberate the samples from kompact and use them in the more powerful full Kontakt sampler?

One things for sure, I'm going to have some sleepless night trying to climb all those steep learing curves at the same time..., I bought Digital Performer 4 at the same time as the other stuff,too so I have that to learn too!
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post Wed 26 May 2004, 01:42
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Hi JC. I will check to make sure, but I don't think that you have to register before May 31. I think the deadline of May 31 is a price deadline. That is, the price will go up after then.

"...I just don't sounds funny."
Mac G5, dual 2.0 GHz, MOTU 828 MkII interface, Virus TI Keyboard, Genelec 1029A and Mackie HR824 monitors, Mackie Control Universal, Presonus Eureka and ART DPS II preamps, Presonus Central Station, AKG C1000S and C3000 mics. Logic Pro 7.2, Trilogy, Stylus, Atmosphere, Native Instruments Komplete 2.
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Arizona Mills
post Tue 1 Jun 2004, 02:30
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I have had the FM 7 for about 2 months. I have registered it & I am using it in Logic 5.5. I just purchased the Komplete 2 bundle in person (in the store) from Guitar Center on Saturday May 29.

Do I have to register it before days end of Monday May 31 in order to get it to work? Guitar Center did not require any proof of ownership or registration before they sold it to me.

Will Guitar Center's price automatically increase on Tuesday (not for me but for new purchasers)?

I wanted to do some house cleaning, backing up & install Panther & Logic Pro 6 on my Mac before I install Komplete 2.

AZ Mills
Dual 2.7 Gig G5, OSX.4.2, Logic Pro 7.1, Ableton Live 4.1.4, N.I. Komplete 2
I love monosynths !
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post Tue 1 Jun 2004, 05:57
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From: Del Mar - US
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My understanding is that the deadline of May 31 is a price deadline and not a registration deadline.

"...I just don't sounds funny."
Mac G5, dual 2.0 GHz, MOTU 828 MkII interface, Virus TI Keyboard, Genelec 1029A and Mackie HR824 monitors, Mackie Control Universal, Presonus Eureka and ART DPS II preamps, Presonus Central Station, AKG C1000S and C3000 mics. Logic Pro 7.2, Trilogy, Stylus, Atmosphere, Native Instruments Komplete 2.
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