Does Anyone Know?..., HELP with Cubase 5.1r1 download bundle |
Thu 20 May 2004, 00:02
Group: Validating
Posts: 16
Joined: 13-May 04
From: Nelson - CA
Member No.: 43,114
I'm trying to get my studio going again... I'm running on a G4 (350 MHz, w/ OS 9.2.2) and using Steinberg's Cubase 5.0- although the CD seems to be messed, because I try to instal, and it starts, then it stops and says an error occured... Anyhow, I'm trying to get the 5.1r1 update off of the support page, and it's a six part bundle. + Here's my question- Do I need to have instaled the original program FIRST, or does the authorization numer do the trick? Secondly, I'm under the impression their is a trick to the bundle download, (like starting from 6 and working backwards??) If anybody knows anything, your help would be great. Thanks
Always watching...[I]
Sun 23 May 2004, 00:36
Group: Validating
Posts: 16
Joined: 13-May 04
From: Nelson - CA
Member No.: 43,114
Awright, I've got some of it figured, i guess. I've been informed that you don't need to have cubase instaled first, just download all 6 parts, and unstuff number 6, and the rest will follow, basicly.
NOW, I'm being asked, while the unstuffing haults, to 'please insert disk 2', and damned if there is NO disk 2, just the one cd. So what now,
Always watching...[I]
Wed 2 Jun 2004, 18:10
Group: Validating
Posts: 16
Joined: 13-May 04
From: Nelson - CA
Member No.: 43,114
HOT DOG! I got that problem done with. Took alot though, no help from stienberg. I'm going to post another problem though, so don't mind this anymore, AWIGHT?
Always watching...[I]
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