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> Mac Music Studio: Friewire? Scsi? IDE? HELP!?, What is the storage medium for the IDEAL studio setup?
post Mon 4 Feb 2002, 03:29
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From: New york
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Good day, all.

To make a long story short, I used to run Cubase on an 8500 (upgraded to Mac G3, 333). My drives died.. etc..They were old SCSI'sand I lost everything. It happens. Anyway - I switched to PC b/c of price and other issues. That was a bad idea...

I would like to set up another Mac recording studio but one issue seems to come up all the time.

What storage device to use? I've read reports regarding IDE performance problems. I've read reports on the benefits of SCSI devices and using IDE and SCSI together. I have not been able to find any information on the benefits or issues regarding Firewire drives and audio recording. Does anyone have any info?

Here is my plan thus far:
Intention: Music Studio - Lots of auido recording - At least cd quality
- MAC G4 (1Ghz) -- Perhaps dual processor
- At least 512 Mb of ram
- Audio card or the Motu 828
- Cubase and NUENDO
- USB 8 channel midi time piece
- Digital Mixer or Mixer interface to control Cubase and Nuendo
- Dual Flat Screen Monitors
- Drives???????? <-- Firewire? SCsi? IDE??? Combination?

Any help or advice would be highly appreciated.
Mr. Stimulation
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post Wed 6 Feb 2002, 00:12
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From: Kirkland
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After I got my G4/400 I sold my SCSI card and drive.

I added a 60Gb, IBM Deskstar, and later replaced the original with a 40Gb.

In my opinion, SCSI is no longer mandantory.
I was able to get 50+ tracks no sweat, from the original internal HD, using Cubase, and DP3.

Pure firewire drives have not reached market yet, ALL current FW drives are actually IDE drives with a FW bridge. People are using them to track on portable systems, but the performance is less than straight IDE.  

For the price of one flatscreen you can get two 19' or 21' CRT, I've got two 17', the bigger the better.

You would want the superdrive for backup, I have DVD-RAM in my machine. It's nice to be able to backup Gigs at a time. Otherwise you'll be burning cd's fo reach tune.

I just upgraded to Cubase 5, and I'm just starting to explore using my Tascam TM-D1000 to control Cubase's faders.

Currently I have a Korg 1212 I/O, but I'm looking hard at the 828.

People seem to have great success with MOTU, M-Audio, and RME for getting audio in.

Hey nice site, I'm a multimedia type myself.

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post Mon 11 Feb 2002, 20:54
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Group: Members
Posts: 22
Joined: 11-Feb 02
From: Paris
Member No.: 3,396

Hello !

SCSI Ultra-Wide is O.K ( card + internal HD )

 but if you plan to add video to your music a 80 GB ' Firewire ' is better .

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