Logicexpress+reason Or Logicpro?, Best value for quality sounds? |
Mon 10 May 2004, 18:38

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Hi all, I'm trying to decide between purchasing Reason & Logic Express, or just go with Logic Pro, since it comes bundled with all the eMagic plugins now.
I'm using educational discounts so Logic Pro would be about $150 more than Logic Express + Reason.
I'm new to computer music and synths but I want quality sounds. I'd rather work with 3 excellent-sounding instruments than 10 good-sounding instruments. I'm especially interested in realistically modelled drums, bass, piano, and orchestra (probably need Personal Orchestra for the last one though). Synths are good additions but not my mainstay, I'm not doing pure dance music, although it has elements of that.
I understand that Logic Pro doesn't come with a drum machine like Reason does. I'm not sure if I could use the sampler instead (would that be a pain)? Or would I need to buy a drum machine app/plugin anyway, increasing the total actual cost difference?
Computer Music mag has recently said, in a couple different places which also discussed Reason, that (paraphrased) "Logic Pro 6, with its included plug-ins, might be all a Mac user needs or wants for producing music".
Are the full-version Logic Pro synths, piano, and sampler better than the limited versions included in Logic Express, and also better than what I could do in Reason, to the point that I'd be happy shelling out more $$ to get it instead of Reason?
Appreciate your feedback.
Tue 11 May 2004, 09:00

Group: Members
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From: Bremgarten AG - CH
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If your'e not that interested in synths, then logicpro would be your choice.
It comes bundled with 3 vintage instruments (stage pianos, hammond, clavinet), has one of the best samplers I'm aware of (EXS24), and also a set of excellent synths, though they may not be as tweakable as reason's synth which use a more modular approach.
Logicpro also comes bundled with tons of post-processing tools (reverbs, filters, distortion, etc.) that sound very good.
Tue 11 May 2004, 18:05

Group: Members
Posts: 42
Joined: 18-Nov 03
From: Santa Monica - US
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Thanks for your responses.
I guess for me, the question is this: What does Reason have that Logic Pro doesn't have?
Both have synths (I hear Pro's sound a bit better, though not as tweakable), sampler (I hear Reason is good, Pro is better), sequencer (no comparison there of course).
But what about loops and drums? Does Logic Pro have anything like Dr. Rex or ReDrum? A flexible, intuitive, realistic-sounding drum setup is a big point for me since I'm not a percussionist and I have no other way to create beats. I'm wondering if I could live without the extra effects and instruments that Logic Pro comes with (by gettting Logic Express), in exchange for getting Reason's drums & loops.
Augh... I'd really like to get both Reason and Logic Pro, but then I couldn't afford a MIDI keyboard controller, which would be no fun!
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