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> Logic/cubase/dp/protool Et Qlso/kompakt
post Mon 3 May 2004, 17:08
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From: PlessisRobinson(france) - FR
Member No.: 447

Salut à tous

Je viens de me faire virer du Forum de QLSO because je parle trop fort des problèmes.
La liste Logic est maquée avec Native car elle a refuser de poster le mail ci-après.

En gros, cela fait 5 mois que j'ai acheté QLSO et il est inutilisable avec Logic OS X sur mon G5 2X2

Il semble que les utilisateur Cubase DP et Protools soit logé au même niveau que les utilsateurs de Logic.

Ce qui est grave est que le gestionnaire de la liste QLSO efface les messages qui parlent de problèmes et clos les sujets arbitrairement.

Le plus grave est que ce type donne des conseils du genre "achetez un disque ...." et çà marchera ; c'est entièrement faux.

Vous trouverez ci après mon article complet, désolé c'est en Anglais.




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Because I was complaining that there was still problems with QLSO Kontakt/Kompakt and Logic I have been banned from QLSO forum. It is now 5 month I have bought QLSO and it is still unusable using the QLSO/Kompakt player

If you read this list you must be aware that the mails that are relating problems are deleted by the list holder Douglas Rogers, people complaining are banned from the list ; Douglas Rogers is working for East West.

You have also to be aware is that Doug Rogers says he has no problem on it’s G5, none of the G5 user’s have QLSO working with the QLSO/Kompakt player. This guy also said to everybody to buy a 10 000 rpm disk ; users that did it did not solve there problem.

In the best answers of this guy (we say “perle” in French) :
- Increase the memory allocated to Logic in OS X
- To a G4 user buy the SATA 10 000 rpm disk
- To a G4 user buy 1 GB module ram
- Logic and Kontakt is able to go over the 2 GB limit of OS X
- and many other

There are still many problems with this product using it with Logic and Cubase, problems where related with Protools too by other user. I have also heard the GPO users are having many problems, and that OS 9 version is unusable.

So my advise is that you wait to buy this product until majors bugs are fixed

You can join the QLSO “free” forum where you will be able to report all your problems and to get help :

Please find after the list of problems an improvements needed

Cyril Blanc

Independent Quantum Leap Symphony orchestra forum (QLSO) for Mac"
A6 Andromeda forum :"
Petition : “Support of the APPLE LaserWriter 300 in MAC OS X”


QLSO Platinum :

- There is a lot of articulation missing like :
Piz for viola, “up and down bow type “articulations for cello and double bass ....
- Key switched program are a not homogenised in one instrument category
- Documentation is hopeless compared to the one of VSL
- No legato tools
- Voice polyphony problems with fast parts (this problem is also listed in Kontakt as I don’t know who is responsible for it)

Kontakt 1.5.2 problems with Logic on a G5 2x2

List of bugs/improvements needed :
- Memory handling ;
-- the memory used increase while you play ; goes to a Logic crash if you are on the 2 GB limit
-- VM is not allocated during load ; this give core audio overload
-- When you load a song that has been created on another computer with other DFD settings Logic is crashing
-- I have put the DFD parameters to maximum, load my test song instead to get a low memory message Logic is crashing !
- Very slow loading (10 minutes to load my autoload song)
- Take ages to find the samples when importing a song from another computer ; this function need improvement
- After I have play around 30 minutes of my Logic t est song I get an Error of sync between Midi and Audio.
- playing Fast notes are having problems (use more than 120 voices) i.e. tympani roll !
- Not enough voices
- Key switches using the EXS format does not work
- Simplify DFD settings depending of CPU and disk
- Automation parameters are not in clear

Kontakt Stand alone :
-- dead loop when changing midi channels in the pref

KOMPAKT Standalone

1) a few times I had a dead loop, in the log I had a lot of :
*** malloc: vm_allocate(size=8421376) failed (error code=3)
*** malloc[894]: error: Can't allocate region

This appends when you go in the setup menu
If my memory is good that was a bug of a previous version of Kompakt.

2) When you play with the mouse on the keyboard of the SO instrument you get click when you release the key

3) When I load 1 SOSTRING + 1 SOBRASS+ 1 SOWIND with the multi I have send and I play on the keyboard there are the following problems
the sound is horrible
One of the module had just 2 outputs ( the other have 14 outputs)

SO String in Logic on a G5 2x2
I use the C 18V Key switch C0-D0
I have a part in the test song starting at 1682 to 1713 for the violin 1 where the violin is playing “double croches” at tempo 146
The voice counter goes up to 33 playing one note at a time, when I reduce the voice limit the sound is no so good.

Logic problems :

- I get DFD noises
- Logic does not launch the autoload song
- When I load a song with a SOSTRING and a SOBRASS in one song, Logic crashes

Using Kompakt

- When you change the “Kompakt” to no-plug ins a multi-instrument Logic is crashing
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post Tue 4 May 2004, 06:42
Post #2

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mais c'est quoi "QLSO"???
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post Tue 4 May 2004, 08:31
Post #3

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From: PlessisRobinson(france) - FR
Member No.: 447

QLSO = Quantum Leap Symphony Orchestra

C'est le concurent de VSL (Viennal Symphonic Library) et de GPO (Garritan Personal Orchestra)

çà vaut 3000 $ / 4500 Euro
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