G5 In-built Audio Distortion, Card trouble? |
Fri 19 Mar 2004, 16:58

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 03-Mar 04
From: Brighton - UK
Member No.: 37,589

Hello My G5 2 gig duel is making lots of distortion when i turn up the volume on my mixing desk, even more so when i move the mouse around and select the dock to pop out on the screen. It sounds like processor noise or some kind of internal interference. I'm using the in-built audio going straight into the mixer. I just got it back from the repairers today(to be repaired for the same problem), they put in a new power supply but it has not worked. (i didnt pay for it) Has anyone had the same problem or any idea of what it could be? Please help Thanks
Fri 19 Mar 2004, 22:52

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 08-Nov 03
From: Chicago - US
Member No.: 28,468

The G5 power supply is at fault, my G5 DP had the same problem. See discussions at http://www.thinksecret.com/news/g5noise.html and an Apple technote: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=86655I solved my buzzy audio problem (moving windows on the desktop was "audible") by getting a ground loop isolator, about 16 dollars US at Radio Shack. The technote above has info on it....
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