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Emi 6/2m And Cubase Sx On Mac Osx, ASIO driver problems?? |
Fri 20 Feb 2004, 09:16
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 19-Feb 04
From: Bangkok - TH
Member No.: 36,262
wut up everybody? alright..im not sure exactly how to explain this..its a monster...ive sat down numerous times in the last couple weeks with other audio engineering students and teachers...and no on can seem to come up with a solution to my problem, which is: Im running cubase SX 1.0 on a 1.33GHz powerbook with OSX. As a sound card, i use an external USB emagic 6in/2out audio interface. This sround card works fine in all the other applications im currently running. Sound output in all programs (Reason, Cubase, SparkXL) works just fine, and in Spark i can record audio in through my inputs. However, Cubase wil only recognize my soundcard as a valid ASIO soundcard for my outputs, but not my inputs. This means I can run cubase but i cannot record any audio into cubase. (As a sidenote, when i select my mac's coreaudio as the cubase ASIO driver, recording works fine). Now as much as i understand, OSX eliminates the need for extra ASIO drivers. My soundcard was automatically configured when i first plugged it in. Ive gone over this in my head a hundred times, and ive checked my soundcard setting as well. I just dont get this specific ASIO panel that i can configure for my soundcard. All i have is the basic audio midi setup assistant that comes with OSX. Ive also searched around for a downloadable ASIO driver for the emagic soundcard for OSX, but can only find drivers for OS9. I also read that you cannot use ASIO unless you run your computer in classic mode??? Im sorry people, i know that was a lot, but im struggling like hell..just spent all this money on this equipment and i cant get it to work... thanks for any help u ppl can give.
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