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Mr. Jason E. Lectric

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Musicians / ~Misc

Music is my life!! i've been using Mac for 5 years now, and have spent a lot of time and money getting the necessary software for making music. Until my first iBook i had rarely used a computer for music, but i've always been a synth/midi/digital music enthusiast and performer.
Personal Info
Born June 11, 1975 (49 years old)
64052 Kansas City
United States
Mr. Jason E. Lectric doesn't have a personal statement currently.
Joined: 02-Jan 06
Profile Views: 9,354*
Last Seen: Mon 16 Jan 2012, 09:03
Local Time: Tue 11 Mar 2025, 02:08
42 posts (0.01 per day)
Contact Information
AIM enjoythelovesong
Yahoo jasonelectric
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My Content
22 Aug 2009
i have no other way to describe what i'm wanting to do, so i'm going to try my best and hope someone understands me.

i bought Ableton Live 6 a couple years back and never have regretted it! someday, hopefully soon, i'll have the green to upgrade to 8, but for now this is still doing the trick. but keep in mind that this question is about version 6.

what i would like to do is set it up when the first part gets done at measure 128, the sequence will AUTOMATICALLY stop. then when ever i'm ready to start again, i simply press "play" and it continues from where it is at measure 128 (instead of starting again at the beginning). the major part is automating it to stop itself at various points because it's hard to press the spacebar if i'm in the middle of an intricate guitar part.

i hope this makes sense. any help is appreciated.
6 Aug 2009
I recently acquired an older iBook G4 for simple on-the-go email and web things. It's running 10.4, 1.33 GHz PPC processor, with only 256 MB RAM. I've been wanting to do some basic music stuff on the bus ride to/from work, but i haven't successfully found a program that runs smoothly. i don't need it to do a lot. and i'm remembering the days before i switched to mac, having a crappy pc with a 500MHz processor, and only like 64 MB of ram, and easily running ReBirth and a couple other programs.

i mainly want a couple drums and synths to work with. i actually got rebirth from the website, but for some reason this iBook's previous owner apparently deleted anything to do with Classic OS, so i don't have os9 on here to run rebirth in. and i don't have the install discs. (i'm not complaining because the iBook was free)

is there anything that could be suggested for me? either a way for me to "re-get" Classic onto my iBook or some sort of os9 emulator.... OR a similar light CPU light on RAM program.

This community has been a huge help to me over the past few years! so i'm sure you guys will have plenty of ideas for me.
24 Jan 2008
how the heck can i eliminate latency when i'm recording audio?! it's so annoying. i can edit and compensate, but that's so tedious.

i have a newer iMac Intel with 2 GHz and 2 GB Ram, and i'm using Ableton Live 6. I thought my newer and more powerful mac would eliminate this problem, but it doesn't. and it's not just when i'm using a usb or firewire interface. i've even experimented with just recording with the built in microphone. is there something i need to adjust? is this a general issue with my computer itself or is it more of a DAW issue. my old 1 Ghz 512 MB Ram iBook has roughly the same amount of latency, and it's a much less powerful machine. any ideas?
20 Nov 2007
i have a newer iMac, Abletion Live 6 and an 8 i/o audio interface. the time has come for me to run a live show, and i want it to sound good. i've never run a live show using a computer and audio interface. until recently, i used multiple synths, samplers, machines, live instruments, etc. this will be my first show with this simple setup.

one thing that concerns me is how to best route things. especially the drums. i used to run bass, snare, toms, and hats on their own stereo outputs (4 outs on 2 drum modules) and each synth, of course, with their own outputs.

so here's my plan... bass drum and things on channels 1 and 2, hats and things on 3 and 4, low end synths, 5 and 6, high end synths, 7 and 8. now here's my problem, i'm running things like this because of the panning i do.

a) would it be better to run snares with the bass drum or the hats, and what would be best for the toms? b) what about my mid ranged synths, run them with the lower ones or the higher ones?

all suggestions welcome.
24 Jun 2007
this may be a very elementary question for most mac users.

is there any way to sort every file, program, whatever according to size, to see what things are taking up the most room on my hard drive. i know i can go through and look at every file and see what the size is, but that would take a VERY long time. i'm sure there's got to be an easy solution
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Friday 21 August 2009 - 17:25

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