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Yaouen, the sailor musician His music and songs take you through his journeys on the oceans. Celtic, folk atmospheres and jazzy colors transport you at the rate of winds and tides. With his 20 steel strings harp guitar created by Luthier Cédric Verglas, Yaouen takes you through the universe of his thoughts. With his texts, compositions and arrangements, he pays tribute to Brittany and to the Britons whose he loves so much, and shares his feelings.
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Joined: 15-Jul 12
Profile Views: 3,053*
Last Seen: Sun 12 Aug 2012, 08:51
Local Time: Sun 16 Feb 2025, 19:43
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Bonjour à tous, Je vous propose de découvrir ma Harpe guitare de 20 cordes crée sur mesure par le luthier Cédric Verglas.. C'est un thème Celtique "Celtic Wind" le clip a été tournée dans le Finistère au printemps derniers. Je suis à votre disposition pour toutes vos questions Bon voyage Celtic windYaouen.
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