Seagate 7200.11 Es.2, Maxtor Diamond 22, Firmware issue to update |
Fri 22 May 2009, 03:22
Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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At last… I've visited a member with a welcoming PC to do the updates. Thanks Berhu N°2! On the procedure itself, it's rather straightforward. After the boot on the CD, a Red-Me file opens, Windows users know part of the text by heart, there's after this a part if the CD doesn't boot the PC then a licence blahblah. Press Esc and the update utility loads, and there you have to choose in a list the right drive model (there's one or more), press the letter accordingly (A, B or C…) and let things happen. Once it's done, it tells you to press any key to shut down the computer, the firmware will be used at the next powering up. It can be seen on the PC on start up, or after that in some utilities. On the mac, the utility system Information will tell you the firmware version if the drive is installed internally. So, I had 2 hard drives to update. - the ST3500320AS, finger in the nose. It has a brand new SD1A now. No loss of data. - The ST3100033AS just bought: the firmware can't be upgraded, the CD tells something strange: Citation (SeagateCD) Model ST3100033AS SN…… FW SD35 on nVidia nForce4 SATA Bus 0 Device 0 Error opening firmware file. I'm going to see with Seagate what's the issue, but no data has been lost and the disk turns smoothly.
Thu 4 Jun 2009, 08:12
Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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I've managed to waste enough time in the seagate forum, so… For my ST31000333AS, bad news… there's no solution for now seemingly. I've emailed and opened a ticket and we'll see. For a failure they are aware of for months I find this very unprofessional. I NEED this drive! Arrrh! (note, those who can make the update to SD1A seem happy, it's only when it fails this way…)
Thu 4 Jun 2009, 22:43
Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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Seagate support was quick, I've received 2 answers: - One asking me to verify if I had downloaded the right firmware updater… (yeah, and the computer was powered up too, thanks) - The other sending me an updater to SD3B I'll try as soon as possible.
Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:04
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"lepetitmartien" Please Help with getting Update to SD3B I loose all my data files (
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