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21700 Malmö
abcdaniel doesn't have a personal statement currently.
Joined: 30-Jul 03
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Anyone got a midi implementation chart for Mackie HUI protocol? Been searching the internets like crazy (almost), but can´t find it specified anywhere.
It is weird that such a widely implemented protocol isn't to be found. Specifically I want to use it to control Pro Tools using the Korg padKONTROL native mode.
Bought a DX7 with an E! card. Only problem is that the E! card isn't installed, and the wires are cut. What I need to figure out is how to connect the wires from the E! card to the DX7. There are two wires in the manual, one red and one black, to be soldered, but I don't know neither from where, nor to where. If anyone can help me, it will be greatly appreciated. Need either a photo of the connections, both on the E! card and the DX7 or some detailed schematics. If anyone could open up his or her DX7? Weeeeee!
I am thinking about getting a http://www.esi-pro.com/viewProduct.php?pid=10&page=1]U24[/URL], and I wonder if anyone knows anything about the quality of the unit and of its drivers? I will use it on both OS9 and OSX. To me it seems like a good cheap no-fuzz product, but I might be wrong Any help or link to review, or something, appreciated
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