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36106 Montgomery
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I've had an mBox for some time and have usually recorded into Adobe Audition on my Thinkpad (live classical concerts). I'm trying to switch to Mac, but can't find how to do some things.
I can use ProTools (7.4) to make the recording just fine. Aside from some possible noise reduction (heating/air) all I generally want to do is put a marker at the beginning of each selection, combine the markers into tracks or regions (one click in Audition) and then save all these regions to separate files to put on CD (also one click in Audition).
Because I'm no ProTools expert, maybe Markers is the wrong word. Is there something comparable to this in ProTools? I know I can highlight a selection and save it, but it's very difficult to be at the exact beginning and exact end with just dragging the mouse....
I've just recently purchased a 12" powerbook and can't find the tools to do what I want. I've used Cool Edit in Windows to record the record and then to remove the clicks. This has done a pretty good job. I have Audacity to record and have the files on the computer. I can't find anything to remove the clicks.
Any suggestions?
I've been using a PC for years with Cool Edit. I now have a G4 and am looking for comparable software. Mostly I'm just editing wav files -- sometimes changing pitch or time without affecting the other. Also audio cleanup, noise reduction, and that type of thing. I've browsed around a bit and am not even familiar with the names of products!! I know it's possible to get real high end (=expensive) and I don't really want to do that.
I downloaded DSP Quatro X (or something like that) and this looks like it'll do most things and is reasonably priced.
Any comments on this product or suggestions of similar?
any help apprecitated....
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