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Musicians / Singers
Singer Songwriter of original guitar based music in the realm of Crowded House with a new album out.
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Born Jan 23, 1973
(52 years old)
NW25JE London
United Kingdom
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Joined: 12-May 05
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Local Time: Tue 11 Mar 2025, 20:12
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I've been offered a spot (song) on a so called protional cd and vinyl by this outfit called the white. I dont know anything about them and have to front up som dosh. If anyone has any info at all on this crew Id really appreciate some feedback
I was wondering in Logic Express how to manage all the unwanted recording takes that get automatically saved. If Im recording a guitar part and it takes me 20 takes to get it right, Logic seems to save all 20 takes even though I undo the recording I dont want, it still saves them all and asks for them all.
How can I manage this better and keep file sizes down.
I have an issue where, I do a take of a song, review it and then trash it, or command z the recording. It seems to NOT save it. Then I try another take and another and so on.
When I check my folder it seems the software has saved ALL the recordings and I have loads of recordings there. In other words iot still saves them.
Is there a way of just saving the recordings you want? Do you have to manually remove the recordings you don't want?
Hi, I was wondering if anybody could help me here.
I am a semi professional singer songwriter with a new album.
I recently purchased Logic Express 7.0 after cutting my teeth with Garageband, and think its great.
I am slowly working my way around the program and have already finished one song.
However my next project has a difficult syncopated rhythm guitar part throughout and after a dozen or so takes I manged to get a half decent cut.
I understand there is quantization in Logic and have used this with some success in garageband. However for the life of me I can't find it anywhere despite reading and re-reading the manual.
It says there is a Q button in the peripherals, but it's not there. On some midi and instrument tracks a Quantization menu appears at the top of the peripherals window but not in an audio region. As for the Q button I just can't find it.
Also, after successfully mixing a song in the mixer then adding some manual fades at the end makes it sems impossible to re-adjust the sound again, without it reverting to a fixed automated volume. I have to clear all automation info and start again.
Whew, it's a learning curve alright but it is brilliant.
Any experts out there I would love to hear from you.
Please out my website: www.nigelgjones.co.uk
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