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Musicians / Guitarists
Producer/multimedia. Started Audiomedia card, SDII, Deck (still think that was a great program), Vision, Logic 8 and using Twisted Wave to edit files. Explorer, traditionalist but can be convinced otherwise.
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2582XT Den Haag
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Joined: 17-Aug 05
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Hi everyone, I am looking for that cool keys sound in Strawberry Fields. I'm using Logic 8 and haven't found that one. Any clues? thanks, mak
Logic 8 and remixing old tracks. I'm finding that I can't disable automation by selecting off. Furthermore, when I enable read and do a volume dip, the fader jumps up to +3 instead of -7 or 0 as I've graphically indicated. In touch mode, the fader is possessed and does what it wants. I don't have a clue how to fix this. There are separate regions in the track with differing volumes in the track but that shouldn't affect the fader volume. G5 2.0 os x 10.5.4 any help would be appreciated. Mak
sometimes I use hyperdraw on regions then also use track automation(yellow line on track in arrange window) on the same track. Questiion: How do the two interact and how should I handle this aspect of volume control? I use volumn automation with these methods.. have tried a fader assigned to it through midi control (yamaha promix 1), but actually prefer tweaking with these arrange window lines. I just need to sort out how they interact and if I should just use one or the other.. advice?
Does anyone have G5 fan noise? My dual 2.0 with system 10.39 has just gone crazy. Temperature is fine but after pram, smu zap, permissions repaired, cache cleaned it still refuses to fan down. This has happened before and wonder if anyone has found a solution. Apple support site reccomends shutting down and disconnecting power for 15 seconds... alas to no avail. Any help would be appreciated. thanks.
Have 24 bit/48k files rather large.. live tracks from a band. About 800 meg per track. Using audio import it says its creating an overview but it doesn't show up in the arrange window except for a sliver of a graphic file at the head. Double clicking into the editor shows the file graphically and can play it but nothing shows up in the arrange window. (Strangely, even though there is no graphic, the file plays.) These files were created on an Alesis HD recorder put on a DVD and given to me. They show up as QT aif files. Saw that a track was 24/48k with big endian encoding... saved as a straight aif 24/48k out of qt but still no go. Went to my logic supplier and tried all this on his system... same thing happened. Maybe file size limit? Dual 2.0, 2 gigs ram.. nothing funny about the system..10.3.9 stumped. Any thoughts would be appreciated. mak
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