How-to? Alesis Qs8.1 + M-audio 410, A basic question from a Newbie! |
Sat 12 Jun 2004, 05:49

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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Uh... (sorry)(couldn't resist...) Well you confuse (and your not the first nor the ast one) MIDI which is a way to convey information like note number, time, velocity, volume, etc etc. And audio which are the sounds made by the synth in your case according to the MIDI data. Your setup allows you to (if you hooked up the Alesis and the interface by 2 MIDI leads, one for QS to Mac traffic, the over for Mac to QS traffic) record into Logic or play sound from some soft synth in your mac, using the QS as a controler. Or replay this data from Logic on the QS. But if you want to hear your QS, you have to link it from his audio out to the audio ins of the card then route it to some speakers, or to a little mixer then to monitors. Don't confuse MIDI (digital data about a lot of things, but its only a description) and audio which is the result thrua device that can translate the MIDI data into sounds. No shame for you, it's a common misunderstanding. Now make some noise!
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