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> Panther And Audio Dillema, Software/hardware compatibiity
post Wed 5 May 2004, 22:05
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Which MOTU (preferably) audio interface is compatible with ProTools 6 and Digital Performer 4 in Panther 10.3.3?
I have an AudioMedia III card but Panther and ProTools don't recognize it, so I have to make a change.
Besides, I have another HD with MacOS 9 and a SampleCell II card.
Will I have to get rid of both (AudioMedia and SampleCell) or is there any possible way to work with both OSs? Or maybe I should go back to Jaguar and keep both? Will it work?
There is a money issue also. Not enough...Only have money to buy a not so expensive audio interface.
Please reply.
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post Wed 5 May 2004, 23:43
Post #2


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I am a huge MOTU fan and user and former Apple employee.

You could do dual boot, OS X and OS 9, believe me, this is no longer necessary, OS 10.3 is very mature now and great for audio, there is no reason to be on 9.22 doing audio, it's kind of silly actually. Once you get a teaste of pro audio (or video) as I was doing at Apple Final Cut Pro on OS X, OS 9 seems silly, because 10x rarely crashes.

Ask yourself the question do you want to do technical support on 2 os's on two versions of DP and all your audio apps.

The answer is to migrate to OS 10, Panther 10.3, DP 4 and PT 6 are OS X only so that answers your question, you should move to OS 10.3 for all of your audio.

I have had several MOTU interfaces and swear by them, currently I have a 828 MKII that I got from sweetwater for 795.00

If you want to spend less, look at M-Audio Firewire inteface, the one with 2 mic pre's on it and it does 96-192 Khz, 24 bit, I think this is 499.00

So the 828 MKII is only 300.00 bucks more.

You can also consider (although I wouldn't perosnally) a Digi mBox bor $450.00, but you can ONLY use Pro Tools software not DP and that's why I don't like it. Also this interface is USB (1.) I believe, not that fast.

for me it's the MOTU 828 mkII or M-Audio FireWire 410

if you wish to correspond some more, I'd be happy tlak with you.
email me.

This post has been edited by jklimeck: Wed 5 May 2004, 23:44
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post Wed 5 May 2004, 23:53
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Actually Sweetwater has the Firewire 410 for $399.00

this is a steal and for the money the way I would go.

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Dave Bourke
post Thu 6 May 2004, 10:23
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OS 9 seems silly, because 10x rarely crashes.

jklimeck wrote the above. I recently installed 10.3.3 on my G4 dual 800 and installed GarageBand 1.0.1 two days ago. Since then I've had six Mac freezes and one screen of death.

Despite reading the manual from virtual cover to virtual cover, I'm still unable to get GarageBand to rename a track (I get region rename no matter where I click). Drag-transposing notes in the Track Editor will usually result in a freeze. Playing .aiffs on my internal samples drive in the Preview will also usually freeze the Mac. A GB reinstall solved nothing.

I've repaired permissions until I'm blue in the face (and repaired the boot drive) and nothing changes.

And yet I honestly cannot remember the last time I crashed in DP3.11 in MacOS 9.2.1 - and I use it daily to earn a living.

I realise that I'm not helping zemote here, but based on my experience with 10.3.3 and GB (Apple's *own* sequencer), there is no way I'll be moving my DAW to OS X any time soon.

My 2 cent.

Dave Bourke
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post Thu 6 May 2004, 12:44
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My thanks to jklimeck and Dave Bourke. OK, I'm not a huge fan of Panther myself but my audio hardware is no longer compatible with my G4 1.25 so I have to make a change. Wether I use OS9 or Panther I can no longer use SampleCell and AudioMedia cards. That's it.
The Firewire 410 is really not expensive and I'll try to buy it. I think I can use it with both systems, even if jklimeck doesn't like it ;-). I had some freezes using Panther also, not only audio ones and there are some other soft/hardware I have, like scanners and OCR that are not compatible with Panther also. Not enough dollars to change everything...
My best regards to both of you. Let's keep in touch.
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post Thu 6 May 2004, 14:49
Post #6


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Garage Band on OS 10.3.3 never crashes for me or the many clients and colleagues I have running GB and 10.3.3

it could be many factors, simply balming Apple for a bug in GB is over simplifying things, and missing the point.

Hey if OS 9 works for you fine, but for the whole Apple world OS 9 is dead, you may have your reasons to stay there, but forgive me for saying, Apple and the rest of us OS X users who are having nothing but great OS X experiences and have no problems, don't care about OS 9.

if you continue to stay on OS 9, as I say to all my customers still on OS 9, unfortunatley you are still in some form of resistance and Apple and Mac OS X have left you behind, this is the nature of the tech business, unfortunately, you have to grow forward, not stay with past, no longer produced technology.

• simply re-installing OS 10.3.3 does not always work, you have to completely re-format, then install 10.3
• apply all the updates
• re-install Garage Band from different source
• zap PRAM
• repair permissions as you say
• Perhaps you either have a bad (failing hard drive) or bad RAM
• apply garage band update
• are you running 10.3.3, Apple does does not check bugs against any OS that is older than 10.3.3 (or 10.2, 10.1, etc).

the point is, your issue may or may not be an Apple bug, and from my experience it is not an Apple bug in Garage Band.

Or to simply state because you can not use (Garage Band) which a great tool, c'mon Garage Band is one audio / music tool and by far not the best or only music tool to use to create music, DP4, Logic, Reason, Mach 5, etc.

So just because you can not use GB on OS 10.3x (which I don't understand why) you say music / audio on OS 10.3x is bad, there are thousands of music /audio people who are not experiencing what you are and and have been using their Macs on OS 10 / 10.3x for a while now, using OS X music / audio apps in production environments and getting their work done and well, I might ad.

As I say I have never heard of of the GB OS 10.3 (issue you are describing) it could be a bug, I don't rule that out, but if you machine crashes against GB on 10.3.3, I am sorry this sounds like a carbon based (human) error and not Apple, used to do QA for Apple and Apple QA would be also seeing those crashes consistently and fix it rather quickly, sorry to be so blunt.

This post has been edited by jklimeck: Thu 6 May 2004, 15:11
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post Fri 7 May 2004, 04:59
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Check Ebay for the FW410...
I just picked one up for 285.00 bucks...
Much better than new at 399.00 ...

There are new ones there too for less than what you'd pay at the stores...

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post Fri 7 May 2004, 07:12
Post #8


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I love Panther, but it need two times more CPU than Mac Os 9 to use the same Audio soft (Logic, Protool, Dp, etc)...

And GarageBand need a so powerfull Mac, and I think it isn't normal for soft like that made for the crownd...

With my Power Mac G4 733 mhz Cache L3, 1,25 Go ram, I just can't really use it, but can play with Reason without any problem...

Sorry for my broken english... smile.gif angry.gif wink.gif



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post Fri 7 May 2004, 21:15
Post #9


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Used OS X for almost a year now, on 2 machines - not a single crash. 10.3 is the first X that I really like. DP 4 and GarageBand on the PowerBook, everything runs very smoothly. Dave, it sounds like your system is having some serious problems. For technical assistance, the forums at are usually a very good place to get help, hope you can get this resolved...
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Dave Bourke
post Fri 7 May 2004, 21:48
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Thanks for replying so positively to my bit of this thread, stratology. And thanks for reminding me about macfixit - I'd forgotten all about that excellent site.

However, a technically savvy fellow member of Mac Music has responded privately with a number of excellent suggestions which I'm going to implement over the weekend.

Fingers crossed :-)

Kind regards.

Dave Bourke
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