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> Completely Lost - Help A Logic Dummy, Logic/ProTools/MBox - I can't figure it
post Wed 10 Nov 2004, 19:08
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From: Metairie - US
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Hello All,

I just registered here. I am COMPLETELY FRUSTRATED. I have Logic 6.3 on my Powerbook G4. It took sometime to get it downloaded because I kept getting error messages, but anyway, it is now showing up on my screen with the XS Key. Well, I see the screen with all the instruments, but I don't get any sound.

Please forgive my ignorance...I am new to music software. I love music, and I want to create bare with me. My understanding is that I can create music with Logic, and the software has its instruments that you can play with and create beats. Well, I don't hear any sound...I don't know where to go to get sound. This whole discussion on MIDI, interfaces is mind-boggling at this point. I sorta get it, but don't completely understand it.

Well, on top of that, I also had purchased the MBox...taking an Apple's rep's advice that I would need this...well I have it and it also came with ProTools. I downloaded ProTools as well, but it is giving me an error message about the Xs Key Authorization - that is not not authorized...I need to pull it up and display here for you all to understand the message. So ProTools doesn't seem to work...can I have both Logic and ProTools?

and then I have this Mbox...I have the USB cable plugged into my Powerbook, but what? what is it for? do I really need it to make music with Logic? I do have a keyboard, so I am assuming, based on reading a few threads, that the Mbox is to have more on-hand access to making music with my own instruments instead of Logic's and transferring that over to Logic...

Anyhow...I HOPE that SOMEONE CAN HELP...for some further background...I feel like a need to purchase Logic for Dummies or find somewhere where it teaches how to make music for those at my level... sad.gif

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post Thu 11 Nov 2004, 05:59
Post #2

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first of all read the logic manual. Logic is a very complex Pro app. Sound does not just happen - you need to record it and play it back, or generate it with synths (software or hardware). MIDI alone makes no noise!

If you want to start learning stuff that is simple and easy, i would suggest trying out garageband etc.

The Mbox is probably the WORST choice for an audio interface to go with logic, unless you want to also use pro tools. That apple rep didn't obviously have the experience of using one with logic, or wanted to sell you an Mbox. It works in theory, but not always in practice and is just a pain in the arse sometimes. Also it has no MIDI interface, so you need a separate one of those. And bad latency for realtime performance. I have an Mbox and now that I mostly just use logic, I am thinking of ditching it and buying a better one from a less monopolistic company.

The purpose for the audio interface is to give you high quality audio inputs/outpus (your built-in sound card is not pro quality), mic/guitar preamps and other connectivity, such as MIDI (usually).

The error you are getting in Pro Tools is probably for an installed but unregistered TDM bridge meant to connect Logic and Pro Tools TDM (which the mbox is NOT, it is Pro TOols LE). Uninstall that, it is of no use to an Mbox user.

yes - i hear the logic training book from apple is very good - never read it myself, but I bet I could stand to learn something from it too.

best of luck figuring everything out. You just got to play around with stuff and figure out what it does. That is how I have learned everything I know about this stuff, along with reading a few manuals and some tips about mixing, etc. It really not that complex, just expansion on a few basic concepts of how the medium works.

-Arvid •• Squish the Squid Productions, Modest Machine

•• digitally augmented trumpet, TOOB, flugelhorn, cracklebox, percussicube, no-input-mixers and Macbook Pro, 2.4 GHz 15", MacOS 10.5, MOTU Ultralite, Logic Studio 9, MaxMSP 5, JackOSX ••
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post Thu 11 Nov 2004, 14:46
Post #3

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you can have logic and tools on the same have seperate dongles for each program, both need to be plugged in at all times. If you check the pro tools box you will have an ilok and a credit card containing the pro tools auth. card, follow the installation'll get audio out of the mbox with pro tools very easily, core audio. May be another d/load from digidesign if you don't have the latest core audio drivers.

if it's OS X you need to use the 'audio hardware / drivers' window in logic to set core audio to get any audio out, also you will need to use the apple program 'audio and midi setup' to select the mac speakers or the digidesign drivers but it will run through the mbox, direct i/o for OS 9, core audio for OS X. Logic is a monster of a program but it works and can be very flexible in the right hands. You will prob find Pro Tools easier initially.

Simon Flinn
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post Tue 16 Nov 2004, 02:57
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Did you buy the MBox new? If so, then you would have gotten plenty of resources on using it with ProTools LE. Logic Pro is a different story - I am just begining to use Logic Express myself. I have been recording with ProTools for the last 2 years, and am thinking now of dumping it and my MBox and moving over to a FireWire interface and Logic Express 7 (does everything I need, I think)

lushbudget productions, ltd.
PowerMac G5 dual 2 Ghz, 2Gb RAM, 160Gb & 200Gb HD's, Apple 20" Cinema Display
PowerBook G4 Titanium 867Mhz, 1Gb RAM
Digidesign Mbox - Lacie FW 4/800/USB2 160Gb External HD
ProTools LE 6.4, Logic Express 7.0.1, Reason 2.5, Live 3, SampleTank 2, Amplitube, Arturia MiniMoog & CS-80V, Waves Musicians Bundle 4.0.
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