Any Problems W/ Osx And Cubase?, Recommendations for a mac user |
Tue 22 Apr 2003, 00:23

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Posts: 7
Joined: 01-Apr 03
From: New York - US
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First, thanks to all who chimed in on the logic big box v. cubase SL. After doing a lot more research, I'm trying to decide between logic 6 Gold and Cubase SX. I tried cubase on a pc and liked it, but from looking at the Steinberg forum, there seems to be a lot of problems w/ OSX and Cubase SX, but it's always hard to tell if the people claiming that are just a vocal minority, using a cracked copy etc. I'd be interested in hearing if people think that Cubase SX works well with Mac, or, if it is excpetionally buggy and I should stick to an Apple-owend product, or DP 4. Thanks
Posts in this topic
rextrade Any Problems W/ Osx And Cubase? Tue 22 Apr 2003, 00:23 manexmachina Steinberg products have a deserved bad reputation ... Tue 22 Apr 2003, 05:17 jmax I'm using SX with a M-Audio Delta 66 on a 350m... Tue 22 Apr 2003, 06:14 rickenbacker I like Cubase SX - it has a much more appealing in... Tue 22 Apr 2003, 08:57 dixiechicken I would NOT go with Cubase SX/SE for Mac and Mac O... Tue 22 Apr 2003, 11:53 dixiechicken Short addendum only...
If you have made up your m... Tue 22 Apr 2003, 12:06 rextrade Thanks for the great replies. It looks like now t... Tue 22 Apr 2003, 15:14 clarence169 I have been suing a full legit copy of Cubase SX (... Tue 22 Apr 2003, 18:26 dixiechicken Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out.
http://... Tue 22 Apr 2003, 19:54
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