Group: Members
Posts: 41
Joined: 18-Nov 02
From: Hempstead - US
Member No.: 9,360
Hello. i have used this program at my friends house on his PC, and I really liked how wasy it was to export akai cd's to hard drive. I have a mac and bought the mac version. But I cant seem to extract the whole AKAI cd to my hard drive. i have tried to high light all the partions and save in esx and wave format on my mac, but only 1 sound in each partion gets extracted. Also these sounds do not play in my esx24 sampler in logic. I know logic works fine because I have used my akai sample cd's and it works, and I tested this akai cd on my firiends PC and it works. I need to know how to make this entire akai cd extract to the Hard drive with success.