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> Help: Need A Sound Editor And Cut Out "silences", Help: Need a sound editor and cut out silences
post Mon 8 Jun 2009, 01:08
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Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 29-Aug 07
From: North Whales - US
Member No.: 94,321

OK so here is a odd question for you all that I am hoping someone might know. I am working on a project editing large talk radio shows and web casts audio files. They are all voice recordings spanning 20 to 30 mins long of a host, and a few guests talking back and forth, like any other radio show. These shows were recorded live onto one sound file. I have been asked by a friend to take each of these sound files, open them up using a sound editor and cut out the "silences" in the conversations. You know the pauses between speakers, the semi dramatic pauses and so on. If for a non profit charity connected with health care, so they are trying to archive all of these broadcasts, but to have them play much more effectively making a 20 min segment into say a 15 min.

Not sure if I am explaining it right or not. Basically I'm looking for a program (for the Mac) that I can open a large sound file, (aiff / wav / mp3) then have it automatically look for "silence" of a certain duration and then automatically remove it from the entire sound file that I can then go ahead and save on the FTP for future people in need.

Any help would be appreciate as this would save a TREMENDOUS amount of time and effort.

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