Dda D-series For Recording |
Tue 19 Feb 2008, 11:34
Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 19-May 07
From: Copenhagen - DK
Member No.: 91,308

I have been offered a DDA Arena (D-series) console for about 1000 euros. Its in good shape and have been in a non smoking studio. As far as i can remember its a live console and not for recording, therefore i'm a little uncertain whether to buy it or not. I know its a 8 bus console but does anybody know if it has direct out on all channels or what the configuration is?
Sometimes i record on tape ( a tascam MS-16, 16 track 1-inch) and sometimes in protools (digi003 + rme octamic). I have used a behringer MX8000, and is currently using a soundtracs fmx-series (only 8 mic preamps)
Any help would be nice!
THanks abelsna
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