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> Raising The Dead
post Fri 13 Jul 2007, 10:31
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 47
Joined: 25-Jul 04
From: London - UK
Member No.: 47,579

just posting this in case someone has done exactly this with success....

mac powerbook alu (the shit one with the cpu of an led watch) - FW800 version.
mac os x 10.3 something
ableton live 6
edirol ua-20
EMU E6400 (external sampler)
Roland PC300 kybrd cntrllr
Novation sl remote 100

midi control of EMU external sampler from within LIVE 6
audio from E6400 tp be recorded in LIVE.

i have tried:
all possible power up sequences
implementation of UA-20 advanced driver switch before,during and after Live 6 initialisation
creation + configuration of new midi ports in MAC OS x Audio/Midi set up

cant see the Edirol as a midi device in ableton live 6 (but can see it as AUDIO i/o option)
can see the pc 300 as midi device - in fact LIVE seems to pick this device as its #1 favourite default midi
can see the nOVATION as midi device in LIVE
PC300 midi out direct to EMU samper - works fine (but i want midi control from LIVE)

there is a midi routing app quoted often here - cant remember what it is called though
can anyone guide me to it?
is it all a driver issue between OSX and Edirol ( checking their site in a minute)?
should i accept the LIVE choice of the PC300 as 'dominant' midi out and look for a midi link to the emu VIA the pc300 ( i dont know if the pc300 accepts an incoming midi signal via usb - it does have a midi out but is this intened solely for independently linking to external synths?

any answers?

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