Macbook Vs. Macbook Pro, what's the real difference??? |
Tue 20 Jun 2006, 05:05
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 20-Jun 06
From: Baton Rouge - US
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what is the difference between the macbooks and the macbook pro's? except for screen resolution, design, and cosmetic features, an equally equiped MacBook costs less than MacBook Pro of the same system features such as hard drive, RAM, processor speed, and FSB speed. so what is the extra 1,000 dollars for the MacBook Pro for? an extra two inches of screen? im confused. and im wanting to get a macbook (the cool black one) but i feel like im mising something cause i can get a 2.0ghz intel core duo with 80gig HD and 1gig of ram with the same 667mhz FSB in a MacBook for almost 1000 dollars less than an equally equiped MacBook Pro. anyone?
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thumperjack Macbook Vs. Macbook Pro Tue 20 Jun 2006, 05:05 earthlinger QUOTE (thumperjack @ Tue 20 Jun 2006, 04... Tue 20 Jun 2006, 09:43 gogo Dedicated graphics card means two things:high reso... Tue 20 Jun 2006, 15:37 Nonz QUOTE (gogo @ Tue 20 Jun 2006, 14:37) The... Tue 20 Jun 2006, 17:13  gogo QUOTE (Nonz @ Tue 20 Jun 2006, 12:13) QUO... Tue 20 Jun 2006, 18:46 thumperjack so basicly the macbook is a steal as far as featur... Tue 20 Jun 2006, 20:30 rickenbacker The dedicated graphics card in the Pro is kind of ... Wed 21 Jun 2006, 10:04 lepetitmartien The graphic chip uses 64 MB of ram, where have you... Thu 22 Jun 2006, 03:34 rickenbacker From what I understand (as told to me by someone w... Thu 22 Jun 2006, 14:53 misio Ok, but if the RAM is shared between graphics and ... Tue 18 Jul 2006, 09:25 monkeyboy23 QUOTE (misio @ Tue 18 Jul 2006, 08:25) Ok... Tue 18 Jul 2006, 16:34 Nonz OK .... I finally got my MacBook. I had to get the... Tue 18 Jul 2006, 17:33 Justin Thyme I'm new to Mac's, and just picked up the b... Tue 18 Jul 2006, 18:45
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