Uad-1 Plug-ins, UAD-1 Information |
Sun 7 May 2006, 06:29


Group: Members
Posts: 48
Joined: 13-Nov 05
From: League City - US
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I am desperately trying to buy some time before jumping in and moving to the new Power Macs, so I am considering one of the UAD-1 budles, for increasing plug-in capacity, giving my very tired CPU some relief. I presently do all my projects on a G4 933mhz, 1.25 RAM and a G4 1 gig Power Book.
The question I have, does anyone use the UAD-1 plugs with Cubase SX3, and, if you do, what kind of results have you had? I appreciate any reponse, guidance, are recommedations. The upper-end bundles are quite expensive, so I do not want to drop a bundle on something that will not be that beneficial in the long-run. I also want the software to be compatible for the day I do make the move to the new Macintel.
I just have to find a way to accomplish some quality mixing and pseudo mastering, with some quality plug-ins, without crashing m y system.
Hopefully this is the correct forum for this question. I don't post often, so i have not become familiar with the categories for posting topics. Please free to let me know if this is the incorrect place.
Posts in this topic
aportman Uad-1 Plug-ins Sun 7 May 2006, 06:29 rickenbacker 1. All the UAD-1 plug-ins are superb. I have two c... Mon 8 May 2006, 09:52 gdoubleyou I would not attempt SX3 on anything less than a G5... Mon 8 May 2006, 18:15 rickenbacker QUOTE A better solution for you would be the firew... Tue 9 May 2006, 14:59 gdoubleyou UAD just released a PCIe version check their site,... Mon 22 May 2006, 19:14 aportman Thanks for the information gdoubleyou!
This i... Tue 23 May 2006, 00:15 azusa I have 2 UAD-1 cards and every plug in. All of the... Tue 23 May 2006, 02:11 gdoubleyou If you mean the 1GHz Powerbook, looks like you hav... Wed 31 May 2006, 22:48
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